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opg donations

Ontario Power Generation presented $23,450 in donations to seven community groups and non-profits ahead of the Christmas season December 6 at the Bruce County Museum and Cultural Centre.

Hub Staff

Ontario Power Generation (OPG) put on its Santa hat as representative Lynda Cain doled out donations worth over $23,000 to seven community and non-profit groups December 6 at Bruce County Museum and Cultural Centre.

The Museum was on the receiving end of three donations, with $10,000 toward their Summer 2019 exhibit titled “Kids Celebrate”, $1850 for the Eco Explorer program and $800 toward the 2019 Family Heritage Day.

Athletic group Saugeen Shore Minor Hockey Girls Peewee team received $250 and the Breakers Swim Team received $1250 towards upcoming competitions.

The Salvation Army Food Bank, the Rotary Huron Shore Run which supports Rotary initiatives, the Saugeen Memorial Hospital Foundation and the Saugeen Shores Track Club were given $1000 each.

OPG also gave funds towards the Saugeen Shores Chamber of Commerce with a donation of $1300 towards the Santa Claus parades and $6000 went towards next year's Pumpkinfest.


Bruce County Museum Business Manager Janice Mewhinney received over $12,000 in donations from OPG’s Lynda Cain December 6.


Holding daughter Aurora, Gillian Russell of the Breakers Swim team happily accepted $1250 from OPG December 6

salvation army

Diane Thorne of the Salvation Army was very grateful of OPG’s $1000 donation.

rotary run

Brian Vaughn of the Rotary Huron 'Shore Run accepting Lynda Cain of OPG’s donation of $1000.


Joanne Robbins (left) and Connie Barker (right) of Port Elgin Pumpkinfest happily accepted OPG’s contribution to their 2019 festival December 6.