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Team Wildcat won the annual Shop with a Cop fundraiser for the Salvation Army held at Rowland’s Independent Grocer December 5. Out of the four local elementary schools students from École Port Elgin Saugeen Central Public School, Merwan Bayoumi (left) and Maddi Boissoin-Raven with the help from officer Chantel Primeau won the top prize with $99.22 worth of groceries.

Hub Staff

Elementary school students and officers from Saugeen Shores Police Service (SSPS) worked together for a noble cause during the annual Shop with a Cop fundraiser at Rowland’s Independent Grocer December 5.

Organized by the Rotary Clubs of Port Elgin and Southampton the event saw two Grade 6 students from each of the four elementary schools in Saugeen Shores, with help from local officers, expertly maneuver the grocery store to fill their carts with non-perishable products that were later donated to the Salvation Army. The goal for each team was to reach the $100 mark without going over. All teams came within $1, however three teams went over, resulting in a win for the École Port Elgin Saugeen Central School (EPESCS) team and Officer Chantel Primeau with a total grocery bill of $99.22.

Honourable mention goes to Northport Elementary School whose bill came to $100.07, St Joseph’s School who had a bill of $100.47, and GC Huston Public School with a bill of $101.00.

ÉPESCS's win afforded the school's library with a $100 donation from Rotary and an additional $100 on their behalf to the Salvation Army Food Bank. The three other schools will receive $50 for each of their libraries.

The Saugeen Shores officers will be doing their part for the Salvation Army Food Bank this Saturday, December 8 as they will again be at Rowland's in Port Elgin collecting donations for people in need.

Salvation Army Pastor Connie Armstrong, who was thrilled with the participation by the students and officers at Shop with a Cop, said that if anyone would like to make a food donation outside of the SSPS's collection day, they can contact the Bricker Street location at 519-389-3942.


It was a valiant effort by all cops and students with each team landing within $1 of their $100 target, however three teams came in just over the mark. Northport students came in second with 100.07, St Joseph’s third with $100.47 and GC Huston, who finished their shop first, had a total of $101.00.


Getting ready to fill their carts with $100 worth of groceries without going over and joined by local police officers were Grade 6 students, from left, from Northport, ÉPESCS, GC Huston and St Joseph’s.


Northport student Luna Abbott places diapers into her shopping cart.


GC Huston student Lilli Plante grabs noodles.

merwan maddi

Merwan and Maddi fill their cart while Saugeen Shores Police Officer Chantel Primeau calculates totals on her phone.

eric quinten

St Joseph's students Eric Capstick (blue) and Quinten Wilke find non-perishable products as Detective Andy Sachs and Police Chief Mike Bellei watch on.


Northport students Alexandra Eddie and Luna Abbott mark down and tabulate their prices with help from Officer Stacey Gordon and Auxiliary Officer Elizabeth Kennedy.


Saugeen Shores Officer Chantel Primeau and student Maddie Boissoin-Raven were ecstatic to learn that they did not go over the $100 mark as their groceries amounted to $99.22.