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new saugeen shores council

The new Saugeen Shores Council was sworn in for the 2018-2022 term December 3. From back left, Saugeen Township Councillor Dave Myette, Port Elgin Councillor Kristan Shrider, Southampton Councillors John Rich and Cheryl Grace, Port Elgin Councillor Jami Smith and Saugeen Township Councillor Matt Carr. Front row, from left, Deputy Mayor Don Matheson, Mayor Luke Charbonneau and Vice-Deputy Mayor Mike Myatt.

Hub Staff

The inaugural Saugeen Shores Council meeting for the 2018-2022 term took place with the swearing in of six councillors and three mayoral positions December 3 in Council Chambers.

Town Clerk Linda White administered the Declaration of Office for each individual who then took their seat at the table.

New to the table were councillors Kristan Shrider, Jami Smith, and Matt Carr who gave optimistic remarks and were joined by returning faces, councillors Cheryl Grace, Dave Myette, and John Rich. Also returning but to new seats for the current term were Deputy Mayor Don Matheson and Vice-Deputy Mayor Mike Myatt, both of whom greeted everyone wholeheartedly.

Mayor Luke Charbonneau called to order the inaugural council meeting and welcomed people present with many audience members spilling into the hallway.

“It's important when a new council is assembled that we’re really just picking up the baton from the people who came before us,” said the new Mayor of Saugeen Shores.

Charbonneau again echoed a statement he has repeated over the past year and promised to continue to say, that Saugeen Shores is "the fastest growing community in this region and one of the best places to live in this country.” He noted those who came before him for making Saugeen Shores great and acknowledged the past Mayors and Reeves in attendance including Mike Smith, Mayor of Saugeen Shores 2006-2018; Brian Cleaver, Mayor of Port Elgin 1991-1995, Ken Dunlop, Port Elgin Mayor 1985-1988; Art Eby Mayor of Southampton 1997-1998, and Harry Thede, Reeve of Saugeen Township 1986-1998.

Following an Invocation by Pastor David Baker from the Southport Pentecostal Church, Mayor Charbonneau and his fellow councill members proceeded with their inaugural remarks.

“We are all extremely lucky to live in this place and I am the luckiest of all; because I get the opportunity to work with all of you, the members of this Council and all of the people of Saugeen Shores toward making this community even better; and to leverage our collective good fortune for the continued benefit of our friends, our neighbours, and future generations,” said the new Mayor.

On leadership in our community, Charbonneau said it is not reserved for members of Council. "Anyone can be a leader. That is why Saugeen Shores is a community poised to take the lead," he said, adding that working with the community and its partners and neighbourhoods will ensure Saugeen Shores' vitality and stressed that important community services are needed to stay close to home and under local control.

Charbonneau mentioned important issues that will be brought to the table over the coming term such as affordable housing strategies and helping to fix the current labour shortage. He stressed the importance of working with Bruce Power on their Major Component Replacement (MCR) project while making mention of the Nuclear Innovation Institute and making sure it stays in Saugeen Shores. Charbonneau said he would recognize all cultures in Saugeen Shores and work together with Indigenous people on reconciliation.

“We will embrace innovation and creativity; we will always be relentlessly optimistic about the future of this community and about the potential for new ideas to change our community for the better,” said Mayor Charbonneau. "We will lead by being inclusive and accessible; welcoming a diversity of newcomers while building and sustaining neighbourhoods that work for the people who already live here."

To see Saugeen Shores Mayor Luke Charbonneau's full address, click here.

new councillors

New to the Saugeen Shores Council table and seen here reading their Declarations of Office December 3 were, from left, Port Elgin Ward Councillor Jami Smith, Saugeen Ward Councillor Matt Carr, and Port Elgin Ward Councillor Kristan Shrider.

Former and New Mayors

Standing with Luke Charbonneau (centre) were former Mayors and Reeves of Port Elgin, Saugeen Township, Southampton and Saugeen Shores present in Council Chambers December 3. From left, Harry Thede, Mike Smith, Luke Charbonneau, Art Eby, Ken Dunlop, and Brian Cleaver.

Linda White

Town Clerk Linda White (right) and Town CAO David Smith during the inaugural meeting of the 2018-2022 term.

chain of office

Town Clerk Linda White bestowed Mayor Luke Charbonneau with the Chain of Office.