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jayne jagelewski gayle graham

Saugeen Shores Director of Community Services Jayne Jagelewski and YMCA of Owen Sound Grey Bruce CEO Gayle Graham answered questions to an audience of approximately 150 at a public meeting regarding a possible partnership between the YMCA and Town of Saugeen Shores November 28 at the Plex.

Hub Staff

It was at a Committee of Whole meeting in November, 2017 when Council directed Town staff to seek partnership opportunities for a new pool in Saugeen Shores and just over a year later, on November 28, the Town and the YMCA of Owen Sound Grey Bruce hosted a public information meeting at the Plex in Port Elgin to answer questions and provide information behind the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) as well as the Market Study currently underway.

Director of Community Services Jayne Jagelewski reminded the audience of approximately 150 people that the Town required a partnership as a new pool could cost between $14 and $21.4 million, and that the YMCA was a logical choice.

“Realistically the community could not build a pool on its own, we needed to look for partnerships,” said Jagelewski, noting that the YMCA has a proven track record and is known to be a sustainable facility and a charity which could apply for additional funding opportunities, potentially reducing the $280,000 operating deficit for Saugeen Shores' current Centennial Pool.

Jagelewski said a YMCA facility could also provide other amenities including fitness possibilities that are currently underserved in Saugeen Shores.

Throughout the meeting Jagelewski reminded those in attendance that the current MOU doesn't mean that a new pool will be built with the YMCA. “It doesn't mean that we’re building a YMCA. It simply means that we're in conversations with the YMCA right now to discuss what could be," she said, also stating that the new build, if eventually approved, would be owned by the municipality but operated by the YMCA.

Gayle Graham, CEO of the YMCA Owen Sound Grey Bruce, presented a slide show on the history of the YMCA which included a video of the Owen Sound location and what is included in a membership. “The YMCA is a place for everyone to belong,” said Graham. “It’s a way to be active individually, or together as a family, and that’s a goal for us to make sure that families are very active," she said.

Graham also noted that the YMCA in Owen Sound is a community hub, had been used as a cooling station in the summer, and has provided free showers to the community during power outages. Graham pointed out that Saugeen Shores does not currently have this amenity.

The telephone Market Study that has commenced since the public meeting was held and is being conducted by LeisurePlan International Inc. was also discussed. Jagelewski said that 417 people were to be contacted for a 10 minute questionnaire. The calls were to be made to both mobile and landline users at random. “A Market Study does not mean we’re building a facility, the Market Study is going to do the investigation on whether we can afford it,” explained Jagelewski.

Graham added that two studies were completed prior to the Owen Sound YMCA being built and said that the first Market Study was completed ten years prior to the build. At that time the findings summarized that it would cost too much and the idea was shelved for many years.

The results of the Saugeen Shores Market Study will be made available to Council by the end of the first quarter of 2019 and will “identify if there is a desire and need in Saugeen Shores,” said Jagelewski, who added it will then be up to Town and Council to determine if it’s feasible.

The topic of the Saugeen Shores Lifesaving Club (SSLC) was also discussed by the presenters with Jagelewski saying that the SSLC was not going anywhere and would continue if the YMCA operated a new pool. She said the YMCA has identified the SSLC as a “desirable program” and that they've attempted to mimic the program a number of times. There would also be increased opportunities for current aquatic staff who would be involved in a positive transition “if and when” a YMCA comes to Saugeen Shores, Jagelewski added.

Gayle Graham said that currently the YMCA in Owen Sound has 25 full-time staff members and around 80 staff members in total.

The video that was shown during the presentation highlighted many opportunities for fitness beyond swimming that would be included in a YMCA membership, which Graham said would increase the interest in fitness in Saugeen Shores. Both Graham and Jagelewski said existing fitness businesses in Saugeen Shores should see increased interest in their offerings.

”Residents looking for quality programs and services that meet their needs and it is hoped that existing businesses will certainly rise to this opportunity,” said Jagelewski who noted that YMCA focuses on families, children, seniors, and low income. “We know that they are currently being underserved in this community," she said.

Jagelewski added that existing fitnesses businesses tend to cater to a niche, such as women only services, aerobics classes, and adult-only dance classes, something she said they can be proud of.

The CEO of the Owen Sound facility noted that plenty of fitness providers co-exist in Owen Sound. “Existing facilities, you've got a great following, you've got great participants, and there’s no reason for them to change if they're enjoying working out at your facility," she said.

YMCA fee structures were presented to the room, a monthly family rate (two adults and two children) would cost $116 a month while an adult (age 25 to 59) for a month is $45. A handful of people questioned the adult daily rate of $12. Graham said that the daily pass is created to entice people to get a membership so the YMCA can plan programming and staffing accordingly. It was also noted that sponsored swims would still occur if businesses did want to sponsor, and current lifeguard training would crossover to a YMCA run facility. When asked about if a surplus in funds would be syphoned to other YMCAs, Graham said that any surplus would go towards YMCA capital projects and would also be reinvested into the community.

Following the presentation Saugeen Shores Kin Club member Christine Mensher, who has worked alongside the community pool action group SSRAPnow, said the meeting answered a lot of questions and provided those in attendance with quality information that can be easily found online.

Fitness Corner owner Holly Vanderzwet, who said that she is in support of a new pool and walking track, said that if Town and Council moves forward with a partnership, it will be difficult to complete with the new amenities that a YMCA fitness facility could bring. Vanderzwet insisted that she was all for “fair competition” while suggesting that as a tax payer she would be getting the short end of the stick.

Vanderzwet added that while she knows she won't lose all of her clientele she would be competing with a brand new facility that has the benefit of being built and purchased by the Town. “It’s difficult to compete with a brand new facility when I've taken 25 to 30 years to build mine,” she said following the meeting. When asked to respond to the comments about existing facilities needing to rise to the occasion, Vanderzwet said she already feels like she's doing the best she can. "I don't feel like I need a kick in pants," she said.

The YMCA of Owen Sound Grey Bruce is located at 700 10th Street East in Owen Sound and will be opening its doors to Saugeen Shores residents to see what it has to offer. The free event will take place on January 27 from 11:30 a.m. to 5 p.m and will feature pre-arranged activities.

See also: YMCA telephone survey; who's being targeted and why

ymca pay structure

The current price model for the YMCA of Owen Sound Grey Bruce.

gayle graham

YMCA of Owen Sound Grey Bruce CEO Gayle Graham explaining the history of the YMCA at a public meeting November 28 in Port Elgin.