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Grade1 Group

Heather Cosgrove and Sandi Bennett's Grade 1 classes pose for a photo before they begin to decorate the Southampton Christmas tree.

Hub Staff

Braving cold temperatures and blowing snow that November 21 brought to Saugeen Shores, GC Huston Public School's Grade 1 and Senior Kindergarten classes marched their way to the Southampton Christmas tree outside Southampton's Art Centre and Town Hall to adorn it with Christmas decorations.

Each student had decorated their own snowman and, ornaments in hand, surrounded the tree and hung the unique works of art on the lower branches, all in preparation for the annual tree lighting ceremony which will take place Thursday, November 22 at 6:30 p.m.

The tree lighting will coincide with Southampton Sparkles where great deals can be found at Southampton stores and shoppers can get a head start on their Christmas shopping.

JK Group

GC Huston teacher Sarah Matheson stands with her Senior Kindergarten class as they braved the cold and blowing snow.

Heather Cosgrove

Grade 1 teacher Heather Cosgrove hands out tree ornaments that students had decorated to hang on the branches of the Southampton Christmas tree.

Manix Louis

Full of Christmas spirit, Grade 1 students Manix (left) and Louis stand by the Southampton Christmas tree after hanging their decorations.

Josie Danielle Jaelyn

From left, Grade 1 Huston Hawks Josie, Danielle, and Jaelyn spent some time with Frosty the Snowman after hanging their ornaments November 21.


Senior Kindergarten student Dean holds onto his colourful snowman decoration after hanging it on the tree.


GC Huston students surround the Southampton Christmas tree as they decorated it November 21 ahead of the November 22 tree lighting ceremony.


Each Grade 1 and Senior Kindergarten student adorned the tree with their own uniquely decorated snowman ornament.


The Southampton Christmas tree is decorated and ready for the tree lighting ceremony, November 22, which will officially kick off Christmas in Southampton.