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luke charbonneau

Mayor-Elect, Deputy Mayor Luke Charbonneau with the help of Olivia and Harper Little pulled the switch to light the Port Elgin Christmas Tree in Coulter Parkette November 15.

“Oh yea, oh yea, oh yea, oh yea. Gather one and gather all. What is this version of Fall? In this land of hope and plenty I see some local gentry. A young scalawag or maybe two, a few I think I know by name. And you ma’am with those fine shoes, yes you we know as dame. The Grinch be darned. We’ll spin a yarn. If you happen to sit on Santa’s knees, tell him about our good will, whisper an innovation institute...still, if he please, would be a winter gift. And give us all a welcome lift. The Snow is light, the snow is white. Don’t be late, out of the gate, the mood is right, let’s celebrate. For it’s Shoppers Night! Oh yea, oh yea, oh yea, oh yea!" ~ Town Crier, Neil Menage

Hub Staff

It was a snowy welcome to the Christmas spirit which was on full display at the annual Tree Lighting ceremony in Coulter Parkette November 15. The event coincided with Shoppers' Night in downtown Port Elgin.

The annual tradition included St Nick himself, a few of his reindeer, a small outdoor market and dancers from SB Dance Academy.

A large crowd gathered at the Green Street parkette to see Mayor-Elect, Deputy Mayor Luke Charbonneau thank the Port Elgin BIA, the Saugeen Shores Chamber of Commerce and volunteers for helping to organize the event before choosing two sisters from the crowd to help him light the Christmas tree for the holiday season.

Southampton's Tree Lighting ceremony is all set to get underway November 22 at the Southampton Town Hall at 6:30 p.m. and coincides with Southampton Sparkles merchant event. Many stores will be open until 9 p.m. 


Nolan and Quinn Walton were happy to be in Santa's sleigh during the Port Elgin Tree Lighting ceremony in downtown Port Elgin November 15.


Besides the tree, Santa was a main attraction at the Port Elgin Tree Lighting ceremony November 15.


Olivia, Luna and Brian Jesso cozied up next to Santa at the Port Elgin Tree Lighting ceremony November 15.

town crier neil menage

Town Crier Neil Menage’s voice could be heard far and wide.


The Saugeen Shores Interact Club were selling tasty treats to the crowd in attendance.

SB Dance 1

The little reindeer dancers danced in front of real reindeer at the Port Elgin Tree Lighting ceremony in downtown Port Elgin.

SB Dance 2

The snow may have been slippery but the dancers of SB Dance Academy were on point.


Many little arms shot high in the air when Luke Charbonneau asked for assistance in turning on the Christmas tree lights November 15 at the Port Elgin Tree Lighting Ceremony.