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In a staff report presented to Saugeen Shores Council November 12, the Town is looking for Request for Proposals for the land of the former Station and confectionery. Pictured the train engine being removed from the station for maintenance October 27. Photo by Mary Gross

Hub Staff

The Town of Saugeen Shores is looking ahead to what the future might bring for the Station location and mini golf course at Port Elgin Main Beach and will be accepting Request for Proposals (RFP) for businesses that could operate during either the May to September tourist season or possibly the entire year.

The former train station and confectionery has been listed with realtor Scott Saunders since the summer of 2018 and did not operate for the 2018 season after lease talks stalled between building and train owners Andy and Debbie Hess and landowners the Town of Saugeen Shores.

Access to the property has been cordoned off after an archway collapsed in June 2018 and the replica Train engine was loaded up and sent for maintenance in October. 

In an information report presented to Saugeen Shores Council November 12 it was stated that the land is perhaps "the most valuable municipally-owned property" and that staff don't recommend selling it, however "believe it should be fully utilized to maximize its use and value to the community.”

The Town is looking for RFPs that include the following:

Refurbish, modernize and maintain the existing Station building including the mini-golf throughout the length of lease with the building to be purchased by the proponent separately from the current private owner; or

Build new on the site with an extended lease option considered.

Other requests include:

Provide exceptional food and refreshment services for beach goers from May to September additional ideas could include year-round operation;

Reasonably accommodate a tourist train ride business located somewhere on the waterfront;

Add to the recreational spirit of the beach environment and develop/provide evolving family style activities and tourist experiences;

Make full and effective use of the lands prescribed in the RFP while agreeing to lease terms and conditions.

It was also noted in the information report that the proposal could include movement of the location closer to the beach where the parking lot is currently located, in which case the parking lot could be placed behind the building, closer to the street, something that was indicated in the Waterfront Master Plan (WMP).

A proposal that includes implementation of work that contributes to the WMP is stated as a in addition request.

Councillor and Vice-Deputy Mayor Elect Mike Myatt said he supports the RFP “to see what the future can hold for development of our waterfront, a very important resource that we have there."

Councillor Neil Menage told the CAO that it is indicative of the Town moving forward and wondered if there was any business to conclude with the current building owners.

“The lease is clearly over,” Smith responded, adding that there aren't any ongoing discussion with the current owners. "So we're moving forward," he said.

Proposals received by the Town of Saugeen Shores will be presented to the new Council in early 2019.