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southport horticultural bursary

Southport Horticultural President Sandra Carter presents a $500 bursary to Tom Tiisler at their August meeting. Photo submitted

Hub Staff

Each year, the Southport Horticultural Society gives a $500 bursary to a student continuing post secondary education in horticulture and this year's recipient was former SDSS student Tom Tiisler who is pursuing a four year program in Environmental Management at Lakehead University in Thunder Bay.

The bursary was presented at the Society's August meeting which also featured guest presenter Kerry Jarvis, photographer, naturalist, gardener and author, who gave a presentation on the Butterfly Gardens of Saugeen Shores.

The Southport Horticultural Society is a non profit organization and has been in operation since 1980. They are a member of the Ontario Horticultural Association and currently boasts 68 members with a $10 annual due.

Their major fundraiser is an annual Spring plant sale, where plants are received by donation, and funds raised help to fund the bursary as well as support the SDSS Greenhouse program.

The Society encourages and promotes environmental awareness and they maintain the gateway gardens located at the entrances to Saugeen Shores as well as the garden at the Southampton Beer Store.