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southampton bia

Hub Staff

Southampton BIA members requested changes to phase one of the Southampton Streetscape improvements during the July 9 Saugeen Shores Committee of Whole. Phase one improvements were completed in late 2017 and BIA Chair Melaine Meyer told councillors the improvements “did not materialize into the aesthetic vision that we had anticipated.”

The BIA sent a letter to Town and Council regarding the High Street improvements and their requests for change in May 2018. 

Three adjustments were provided for consideration, requests that Meyers suggested could be funded through money allocated for phase two and three.

First, replacement grass and asphalt with an interlocking brick product for low maintenance and more usable walkable space on the curb extension. Second, at the same time replace the sidewalk in front of CIBC as it is in disrepair. And third, add an illuminated bollard at the end of the curb extension (one per “bump out”) for an improved aesthetic with dual purpose of night time and winter marking.

Meyers said that the Southampton BIA was surprised that the grass and asphalt was the finished product on the six curb extensions from Grosvenor to Huron. “We don't want to go forward with any other curb extension projects until the phase one curb extensions are in our mind corrected,” she said.

During a May 28 Committee of Whole Town Staff informed councillors that phases two and three would be put on hold. The Information Report indicated that staff continued to work with the Southampton BIA to complete construction drawings for the second phase, from Albert Street to Victoria Street. “Comments from the BIA included elements that through our initial estimates would result in the project being over-budget,” read the report, adding that a public meeting May 10 had brought forward additional concerns, resulting in the decision to defer construction until 2019.

The report noted that additional funding may be required and that staff would meet with the BIA in the fall to review options and determine a path forward.

During the July 9 meeting Deputy Mayor Luke Charbonneau said that before phase two moves ahead there should be time to revisit designs. “There’s been controversy about them and we’re going to have to figure out how we are going to move forward with downtown improvement in Southampton in a way the meets public expectations,” said Charbonneau, later adding that the Southampton BIA is going to have to play a big part in that review.

Meyers told media that the BIA was involved in the discussions concerning the first phase and that the end product is not what they had envisioned. Going forward, Meyers said there needs to be a larger discussion and plan.