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Many Saugeen District Secondary School students were honoured with music awards June 14, pictured here with music teacher Mrs Boys.

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As another school year comes to a close many Saugeen District Secondary School (SDSS) students received honours in award show fashion during the school’s annual Awards Assembly June 14.

The assembly was kicked off by the SDSS Brass Band and Saugeen First Nation Elder Shirley John and doled out awards to students who had excelled in one way or another.

Video complications of artwork, Honour Roll students, and retiring teachers all made the cut alongside a video that celebrated the SDSS curling team and their road to OFSSA in Fort Frances earlier this year.

Once all the awards had been delivered, graduating student Kent Ribey was named Commencement Valedictorian.

Visual Art Awards - Grade 9: Darcy Howe; Grade 10: Alex Bromaroff; Grade 11: Rachel Shave; Grade 12: Marissa Kahgee and Rowan Weir; Speciality Art Award: Caprice Ricks; Southampton Art School Award: Caprice Ricks

Academic Achievement Award - Gillian Hemstock

Business Accounting Award - Molly Noel

Community Peace Keeper Award - Cassidy Kazimer

CUPE Local 1176 Service Award - Maria Tsatsos

OSSTF District 7 Grade 10 Award - Meghan Dewar

Duel Credit Award - Hailey Astle

Drama Awards for High Achievement - Grade 10: Angelina Barone; Grade 11: Emma Schuster; Grade 12: Fiona Miller

English Awards - Junior English Award: Angelina Barone and Meghan Dewar; The Eric Parker English Award: Sarita Ahmed and Hayley Swigger; Outstanding Creative Writing Award: Marissa Kahgee and Hayden Johnson

French Proficiency Award - Junior Core French Award: Angelina Barone; Senior Core French Award: Madelynn Griffiths; Junior Extended French Award: Emma Schuster; Senior Extended French Award: Teagan Allen-Gruberbauer

Geography Awards - Junior Geography Award: Taylor Legge; Senior Geography Award: Ashley Stroud; Grade 10 History & Civics Award: Carter Rye

Schulich Leader Scholarship Participant - Matthew Lemcke

Mathematics Awards - Junior Mathematics Award: Rebecca Schropp; Senior Mathematics Award: Matthew Lemcke

University of Waterloo Math Contest Results - Pascal (Grade 9): Jared Kerr; Cayley (Grade 10): Matthew Martin; Fermat (Grade 11): Emma Schuster; Euclid (Grade 12): Arif Azmi

Physical Education Awards - Grade 9: Madi McNeill and Darin Shular; Grade 10: Laura Schwass and Logan Lemcke; Grade 11: Kendra McGillivray and Yuki Yao; Grade 12: Taylor Ferguson and Jack Middleton

Science Awards - Junior Science Award: Rebecca Schropp; Biology Award: Madison Rettinger; Chemistry Award: Rahmi Shabnam; Physics Award: Matthew Lemcke; Greenhouse Co-op Award: Candace Mowbray

Music Awards - National Trust Music Award Grade 9: Ethan Walsh and Alex Bromaroff; Lido Gardens Music Award Grade 10: Cydney Morris and Curtis Vandenberg; The Kent Milroy Family Music Award Grade 11: Jamie Kuhl and Josh Lesperance; Ernest & Bonnie Ackert Music Award Grade 12: Melissa Bruce and Kendra Klages; SDSS Music Award of Excellence in Guitar: Rebecca Turi and Zachary Vanhaelemeesch; Emmett McGrath Memorial Award for Extra Curricular Involvement: Matthew Lembke; Vocal Music Award: Cydney Morris and Amelia Willson;

Summer Music Scholarships - Alex Bromaroff, Kyra Brough, Elishama Pierre, Eleanor Smith and Ethan Walsh

Technology Awards - Senior Construction Technology Award: William Forsyth and Cam McEwen; Hospitality, Tourism & Food Technology Award: Jess McPherson; Junior Transportation Technology Award: Mariyam Shiekh; Senior Transportation Technology Award: Caleb Stewardson; Senior Manufacturing Technology Award: Braeden Ashton

Coop Education Safety Award - Thomas Frank and Nic Matheson

Recognition of Archery Provincial Champion - Natasha Burrows

Recognition of Boys Curling Team - Jack Middleton, Sam Hastings, Eric Ruegg, Patrick Fenton, Adam Mekky

Principal’s Leadership Awards - Sarita Ahmed, Ziibi Cameron, Kendra Klages, Matthew Lemcke

Commencement Valedictorian - Kent Ribey


The Principal Award was handed out by SDSS Principal Melissa McEwen (left) and went to Kendra Klages, Sarita Ahmed, Matthew Lemcke, and Ziibi Cameron (absent).


The Physical Education Awards were given out by Ms Hasson, Mr Chappell and Mr McNeill. Top left, in white shirt, Darin Shular, Jack Middleton, Taylor Ferguson, Kendra McGillivray. Front row, from left, Yuri Yao, Logan Lemcke, Laura Schwass and Madi McNeill.


English Award winners were Angelina Burrows, Meghan Dewar, Sarita Ahmed, Hayley Swigger, Marissa Kahgee and Hayden Johnson.


Science Award winners were Matthew Lemcke, Candace Mowbray, Rebecca Schropp, Rahmi Shabnam, and Madison Rettinger.


Technology Award winners were Braeden Ashton, Jess McPherson, Mariyam Shiekh, Cam McEwen, William Forsyth, and Caleb Stewardson (absent).


Academic Achievement Award winner Gillian Hemstock with Mrs Flarity.


Business Accounting Award winner Molly Noel with teacher Mrs Cameron.


Mrs Darlington-Smith with Cooperative Education Safety Award winner Thomas Frank (absent winner was Nic Matheson).


Ms Paylor with CUPE Local 1176 Service Award winner Maria Tsatsos.


Drama teacher Leslie Turcotte with Drama Award winners Angelina Barone, Fiona Miller and Emma Schuster.


Community Speech Keeper winner Cassidy Kazimer with Wendall Martin.

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University of Waterloo Math Contest winners, from left, Jared Kerr, Dawson Kelly, Matthew Martin, and Emma Schuster. Absent, Arif Azmi.


Art award winners, from left, Darcy Howe, Alex Bromaroff, Rachel Shave, art teacher Mrs Sanagan, Marissa Kahgee, Rowan Weir, and Caprice Ricks.


The SDSS Boys Curling Team who placed third at OFSAA in Fort Frances and won the Gore Mutual Provincial title were recognized alongside coach Mr Walker. From leftm Patrick Fenton, Adam Mekky, Eric Ruegg, Sam Hastings, and Jack Middleton.


Grade 9 student archer Natasha Burrows, standing next to archery coach Don Matheson, won the Provincial Archery Championship with a score of 266 out of 300.