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The new Cham-bette exectuive was presented at the service club’s annual service awards, held at Walker House May 1. From left: Emily Cation, Pam Scott, Jackie Bruce, Martha Bennett, Chris Wood and Connie Moss, absent is Bev Johnson.

Hub Staff

For the second year in a row Martha Bennett was named “Cham-bette of the Year” during the Chantry Island Cham-bettes’ annual awards and dinner held at the Walker House May 1. Bennett, who had been photographing the Service Award winners, was surprised when her name was announced and had to hand off the camera to another Cham-bette before accepting her award.

“Thank you so much,” she said. “You are all my family... you are all wonderful, you mean so much to me, you're such an important part of my life,” said Bennett who is chair of the Cham-bettes’ annual Christmas Home Tour and the club’s soon to be Vice President.

New members of the Cham-bette executive were presented during the evening with current President Connie Moss professing that it was a privilege to serve, while thanking Past President Sandy Howcroft for her ongoing support.

New executive members were announced with Cham-bette Chris Wood taking the title of President, Martha Bennett becoming Vice President and Connie Moss stepping into the Past President role.

Service celebrated:

15 years: Cherie Duhaime and Jackie Smith
10 years: Pat Bowers and Karen Schroeder
5 years: Carol Clemens and Deb O’Donoghue
Perfect attendace: Sue Dagnall, Sandy Howcroft, Carol Kilday, Joanne Marklevitz, Pam Scott, Darlene Welsh, Sherry Winnitoy.


Martha Bennett (left) was awarded with the Chantry Island Chambettes’ Cham-bette of the Year by outgoing President Connie Moss during the Cham-bettes’ Service Award dinner held at the Walker House May 1.


Jackie Smith (left) and Cherie Duhaime (absent) were awarded for their 15 years of service by outgoing President Connie Moss (right) May 1.


Karen Schroeder (left) and Pat Bowers (right) were awarded for their ten years of service May 1.


Carol Clemens and Deb O’Donoghue (absent) were recognized for their five years of service, May 1, by outgoing President Connie Moss.


Seven Cham-bettes were awarded with perfect attendance and were presented with flowers by Connie Moss (centre in blue) and Emily Cation (right). From left: Sandy Howcroft, Carol Kilday, Pam Scott, Joanne Marklevitz, Darlene Welsh and Sherry Winnitoy, and Sue Dagnall who was absent.