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Six recipients 560Six people who were seen as having bettered the Saugeen Shores community were honoured by Molson Canadian October 3 at the Southampton Fire Hall. From left, honourees Doug Huber, Stan Kollontay, Jeff Virgo, Joyce Johnston, John Weichel, and Dan Russell.

Hub Staff

Six Saugeen Shores residents have been honoured for their contributions to their community.

A Molson Canadian coast-to-coast tour celebrating what they say it means to be Canadian stopped in Southampton on October 3. The six local citizens were honoured for their citizenship and action and received Molson Canadian crates which featured Molson glasses, coasters, bottle openers and stubbies.

Those recognized were, Municipal Heritage Committee Chair Joyce Johnston who was dubbed a “heritage superstar”, Jeff Virgo who is fresh off his ambassador role at the Invictus Games, Stan Kollontay a long-time volunteer firefighter and paramedic, John Weichel a historian and storyteller, former Southampton Fire Chief, councillor and member of the Coast Guard Doug Huber and G.C. Huston Principal Dan Russell who was dubbed an “educator extraordinaire”.

Molson representative Ferg Devins also displayed a red Molson beer fridge that would be given to one of the six honouries.

With a Canadian flag draped over the name etched on the fridge Devins asked all in attendance to shout the name on the fridge, after he removed the flag. Jeff Virgo’s name was then then called throughout the crowd.

Upon winning the fridge the Canadian veteran said it was amazing to be honoured, especially next to the other five community members. “They're part of the community and it’s nice to see others like myself care about the community as such.”

The night of celebration also featured a barbecue and a ribbon cutting ceremony for the new addition to the Southampton Fire Hall, which with house the antique firetruck and other memorial items. Prior to the ribbon cutting, Saugeen Shores Fire Chief Phil Eagleson said of the Fire Hall extension that, “we are very proud of this building to persevere and protect our antique apparatus and it also give us some room to grow and some storage space. And as most of you know it’s the mechanicals to the Splash Pad in Jubilee Park.”

Eagleson then thanked sponsors Shouldice Stone, Matt Lamont of Matt’s Masonry, Doug Huber, BJS Electric, Ackert Construction, Dom Construction, MEI Paving, Diane Huber and the Municipal Heritage Committee which also put the evening together. “As we strive to be the most progressive, best equipped and most capable fire department in Ontario, it’s important that we recognize our past and respect our heritage and our history.”

He continued, “Doug (Huber) started his career in 1958 and was a firefighter for almost 30 years in town and Fire Chief for over 20 years and during that time he was responsible for building the Fire Hall as we know it here on Victoria street, and becoming one of the most progressive fire departments in Bruce County for sure.”

Huber’s helmet and turnout coat will be immortalized on the wall of the newly built section of the Southampton Fire hall.

Mayor Mike Smith also spoke during the event and assisted Huber and Eagleson with the ribbon cutting. “We’re so fortunate to have so many (firefighters) ... almost completely a group of volunteers that come out and work very hard for your community. They do that just selflessly, they come out because they want to do something good for your community and they do that so well. On behalf of the Town, thank you for what you do,” said the Mayor.

Jeff Virgo 560Jeff Virgo was presented with a Molson Canadian beer fridge during the ceremony, October 3.

Dan Russell 560Molson honourees John Weichel and G.C. Huston Principal Dan Russell with their crates.

Mike Smith Stan Kollontay 560Mayor Mike Smith and Molson honouree Stan Kollontay of Southampton inspected the Molson Canadian crate and its contents.

Ferg Devins 560Ferg Devins announcing Jeff Virgo as the winner of the Molson Canadian beer fridge October 3 at the Southampton Fire Hall.

Ribbon cutting 560Saugeen Shores Fire Chief Phil Eagleson, Mayor Mike Smith and former Fire Chief Doug Huber cut a ceremonial ribbon to officially open the Antique Fire Hall extension October 3.

barbecue 560A variety of volunteers dished out some tasty food at the barbecue at the Southampton Fire Hall October 3.