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SS Police2 fullOn June 29, police were kept extremely busy dealing with incidents at an after prom party on Bruce Road 3. Police were in the area conducting RIDE checks at 10:30 p.m. Later in the evening calls for service started coming in from the area. There was a traffic complaint about parking and persons walking on the road.

At 12:15 a.m. police were requested to attend to assist EMS. Two ambulances had responded to deal with two drug and alcohol overdose. Two females, ages 18 and 15, were taken to hospital. The drugs involved were reported to be Cocaine, Ecstasy and Marijuana.

Police also assisted a male, age 18, who had been hit in the face with a beer bottle.

Police attended again at 1:30 a.m. as the party was out of control and being shut down. While on scene, a male, age 19 from Owen Sound was arrested and taken into custody for drug offences in regards to the earlier overdose. The male has been charged with Possession of a Controlled Substance (two counts), Trafficking in a Controlled Substance (two counts) and Possession for the Purpose of Trafficking (two counts).

A youth, age 16, was also arrested and charged with Fail to Comply with Recognizance (three counts) and Possession of a Controlled Substance.

At 3:30 a.m., police attended in the area again for a complaint of an intoxicated person jumping in front of cars. A male, age 24, from Parry Sound was arrested and charged under the Liquor Licence Act. He was held in custody until sober.

There were a total of 180 incidents between June 26 and July 2.

June 26

Police received a report of damage to property on the Rail Trail. A post and plaque with a sign for the Hurricane Hazel memorial site was removed and thrown down into the ditch. Large rocks from the retaining wall were also thrown in the ditch.

Police received a report of a break, enter and theft from a driving shed in Saugeen Township. A riding lawn mower key was taken and other items were moved around.

June 28

At 8:45 a.m. a youth, age 11, was reported missing to police. The youth had not been seen since midnight. Shortly after receiving the complaint, the youth was located by police walking back to Southampton. He had spent the night at Saugeen First Nation.

Police conducted a criminal harassment investigation after a complainant attended at the police station. The complainant was being continually harassed by phone, text and internet messaging. A male, age 41, from North Bay was arrested by North Bay Police Service. Saugeen Shores Police officers attended in North Bay and returned the male for a Show Cause hearing in Walkerton. He was charged with one count of Criminal Harassment.

June 30

Police investigated a disturbance in the drive thru at Tim Horton’s in Port Elgin at 1:45 p.m. A passenger in a vehicle was upset about the wait time and got into an argument with the driver of the vehicle in front. He threw food and drink at the person. A male, age 24 years from Saugeen First Nation has been charged with Assault, Uttering Threats and Fail to Comply with Probation.

July 1

Saugeen Shores Police officers responded to 44 calls for service on July 1.

Police responded to a domestic dispute. A male, age 34, from Guelph was charged with Uttering Threats and two counts of assault. He was held in custody for a show cause hearing.

At 12:50 a.m., police received a report of a confused elderly female outside of a cottage on Bayview Point. The female could only provide her first name. She was taken to the hospital. At 6:20 a.m., family discovered her missing from the residence and contacted police. They were advised of her location.

At 1:50 a.m., police responded to an unwanted person at The Wismer House. The male was cautioned for trespassing.

At 11 a.m., police investigated a family dispute that occurred in Southampton. A male, age 46, from Saugeen Shores was charged with assault.

An iPhone 6S with a black protective case was lost in the area of the boat launch in Southampton.

Police are investigating a theft of power tools from Canadian Tire. A suspect has been identified.

Police received a report of a dog bite. The complainant found a dog on Highway 21 and attempted to catch it so it would not get hit by a vehicle. He suffered a dog bite. The dog was turned over to animal control.

July 2

A traffic stop at 4:15 a.m. resulted in charges of Impaired Driving and Drive Over 80 mgs, contrary to the Criminal Code. The vehicle was stopped while travelling southbound on Bruce Road 3. The driver registered a fail on a roadside screening test. Breath tests at the police station were over the legal limit. A male, age 21, from Guelph was charged.

At 6:25 a.m., police responded to an alarm at a business on the north end of Wellington Street. On arrival, police found the front door insecure and while searching the building located an intoxicated person inside. The incident is still under investigation, no charges have been laid at this time.

Police attended at the Port Elgin Harbour at 6:50 a.m. in response to a call about a person yelling and swearing at people. Police located an intoxicated male. He was arrested and held in custody until sober. Another male was observed sleeping at a table outside the Port Elgin Library at 7:06 a.m. He was found to be intoxicated and was taken into custody and held until sober. Both persons were charged under the Liquor Licence Act.

A bicycle was stolen from 760 Goderich Street overnight. Police located the bicycle on Highway 21 at the Rail Trail crossing and returned it to the owner.

Police were dispatched to a call about an irate male yelling, screaming and kicking his vehicle in the Giant Tiger parking lot. The male was found to be frustrated due to mechanical issues with the vehicle and was transported to Paisley to meet a friend.

Police received a report of a broken store window at Dollarama. It was determined that a young child had caused the damage by throwing a rock at it. Discipline is being handled by the parent.

At 3 p.m., police investigated a dispute at a cottage park on Elgin Street. There had been an argument over one of the involved persons smoking medical marijuana in front of children. A male, age 39 years, from London was charged with assault.