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saugeen shores logo 560The Town of Saugeen Shores has launched a story map application which allows online users the opportunity to explore commercial and residential properties throughout the municipality, said a June 15 Town of Saugeen Shores news release.

“Town staff has a good understanding of available land, what land is serviced and what properties are ready for development. This interactive tool is a great way to tie together local development opportunities with municipal knowledge. We’re happy to launch the application in partnership with our talented GIS (geographic information system) staff,” said Jessica Linthorne, Community Development Officer with the Town of Saugeen Shores.

The Development Story Map can be found on the Town website through www.saugeenshores.ca/invest or through the “Maps and Apps” page of of the Town website.

The StoryMap will be updated every six months or as required. In order to request a property listing on the Town of Saugeen Shores Development StoryMap, property must meet one of three criteria: 1) appropriate zoning; 2) draft approval received; or 3) hold an existing relationship with the Town of Saugeen Shores.