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Hose560With support from some of his platoon mates, Lucas Harris aims a hose at a target after demonstrating how to unroll it and attach it to a fire truck.

Hub Staff

After six weeks of training through the Saugeen Shores Junior Firefighter Program, 40 newbie firefighters were ready to show their families and friends their skills during a graduation ceremony at the Port Elgin Fire Hall May 31. Participants were presented with a certificate for their achievements.

Split into four platoons, each one had an opportunity to demonstrate one of the four modules they had learned over the course: Home Fire Safety, Pumper Operations, Auto Extrication and First Aid.

The Bravo Platoon kicked off the evening explaining to everyone about fire safety, types of fire and how to check and correctly use fire extinguishers. They invited some of parents to extinguish a propane fire that had been set up while instructing them on the correct procedure.

Bravo also took family members through the fire department’s safety trailer to show them how to eliminate household hazards and demonstrated what to do if a fire starts in the home and the safest way to get everyone out.

Alpha Platoon worked as a team to roll out the fire hoses, connect the nozzles and hook up to the fire truck before taking aim and knocking down targets. Captain and Fire Prevention Officer Rob Atkinson explained that the junior firefighters had visited the Southampton water treatment plant to learn about how water comes in, gets to the water tower and back to the hydrants.

Auto Extrication was next as Delta Platoon demonstrated the steps that may have to be taken in removing a person safely from a vehicle accident. After cribbing the vehicle underneath to immobilize it in case of a suspected head or spinal injury, the platoon set to work with controlled window breaking and used tools such as the Jaws of Life to remove doors.

Atkinson said the car used in the demonstration had been donated by Jeff's Auto Recycle. “We can't say enough thanks to Jeff McLean. He's been fantastic,” said Atkinson. “Every week he's donated a car, drops them off, picks them up and gives us a fresh one for the next week for the kids to go through.”

Next was Charlie Platoon demonstrating various levels of first aid as they bandaged a broken arm and dealt with a head and neck injury, strapping a victim safely to a backboard for transportation.

Junior Firefighter Devin Billings said he had really enjoyed his six weeks, especially the Auto Extrication training. “It was awesome,” he said.

Auto Extrication was also a favourite for 11 year old Allie McMeekin from the Bravo Platoon who said she also enjoyed learning first aid. “It was really fun. I learned a lot about safety and how to keep yourself safe from fires,” she said.

“It's been a great month,” said Atkinson. “I think they've learned so much and take so much out of this. It's been a fabulous group to work with.”

Atkinson said this had been the 28th year for the program, which is aimed at 9 to 11 year olds. “Some of our current firefighters took the program when they were at that age.”

Saugeen Shores Fire Chief Phil Eagleson said that although they can only accept 40 children into the program each year they received double that number in applications. “We don't want to miss anyone going through the program. We want to get every kid in Saugeen Shores through it, so it means we take most of the older kids and let the younger kids go the next year.”

Eagleson praised the 2017 junior firefighters and said they were remarkable. “They were super well behaved, they worked together well, they were respectful,” he said. “They were a great great group of kids.”

BreakingGlass560Delta Platoon's Nathan Beech smashes the driver’s side window of a car in a controlled glass break as part of the auto extrication demonstration.

Fire560Eleven year old Allie McMeekin (left) instructs her mom, Nina, on the correct way to use a fire extinguisher.

FireSafety560Brando Boone, along with fellow Bravo Platoon members, talks to friends and family about fire extinguishers and fire safety.

FirstAid560On the left, firefighter Stanley Kollontay watches as Zachary Burns (left) and Kaiden Gaul perform first aid on platoon member Tyler Hodgkins. On the right, firefighter John Campbell holds up 11 year old Cameron McDonald who was strapped to a backboard by his platoon members after simulating a head and neck injury. 

JawsofLife560Using the Jaws of Life, Delta Platoon member TJ Verburg removes a car door in the auto extrication demo.