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pwu donation 560The Power Workers Union (PWU) donated $5,000 to Saugeen Shores Celebrates Canada’s 150th Committee May 17. From left, Heather Lorenz, Administrative Assistant for Saugeen Shores Celebrates; PWU Chief Steward, Linda Crombeen; Megan Jackson, Saugeen Shores Chamber of Commerce; Neil Menage, Saugeen Shores Celebrates Vice-Chair.

Hub Staff

The Power Workers Union donated $5,000 to Saugeen Shores Celebrates Canada’s 150th committee members May 17. The level of sponsorship marks the PWU at “Province” level funding, with portions going towards celebration logistics and fireworks.

Saugeen Shores Celebrates Vice-Chair Neil Menage was proud to say that the fireworks put on by PyroWorld will be the best Canada Day display that Southampton has seen. The 150th celebration begins June 30 with the party wrapping up on July 9. For up to date event information visit sscelebrates150.ca/events-information.