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flag fullThe Knights of Columbus Flag Relay began on January 4, 2016, when six Special Olympics flags started to travel across Ontario by way of six separate routes, being signed by people along the way.

The Knights of Columbus flag relay will finish at the Special Olympics Provincial School Championships in Durham Region on June 1 to 3. The flags will also be at the Special Olympics Provincial Spring Games in Guelph from May 26 to 28.

The purpose of the flag relay is to raise public awareness about Special Olympics and to support the athletes competing in both their local school and regional competitions throughout Ontario.

You can follow the activities and find pictures of the Flag Relay at kofcflagrelay.com and flagrelay.com.

The six flags have been signed by a number of people including mayors, municipal, provincial and federal politicians; police chiefs, military service members, police, fire and emergency medical services; Special Olympics athletes and their coaches, Knights and their families, plus members of the public supporting this worthwhile cause.

Special Olympics has programs throughout Ontario for individuals with an intellectual disability. The Knights of Columbus believe that Special Olympics is nearly unparalleled in their ability to show the intrinsic worth and dignity of every human being.

Through provincial programs Special Olympics build strength and character in the athletes, participants and volunteers. It only takes a few moments with the competitors to be inspired by the force of their determination. Special Olympics has grown into a worldwide organization and they need our continued support.

Locally, the flag will be on display at the Special Olympics Central Bruce bocce ball practice on Thursday, May 12 at the Port Elgin United Church from 6:30 pm to 8 pm and at the Port Elgin Giant Tiger on Saturday, May 14 from 10 am to 4 pm, where the Knights of Columbus will be selling raffle tickets from which part of the proceeds go towards supporting the Ontario Special Olympics.