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Council and Town staff hashed out the finalized 2016 budget during the committee of a whole meeting February 8 in council chambers.

Town of Saugeen Shores Treasurer Sue Dent said the following after the meeting, “Tonight we have a preliminary approval for 3.94 percent blended tax rate increase for 2016. That works out for the average household, valued at $282,000, of a $115.51 increase over 2015 rates.”

Plainly speaking Saugeen Shores residents with an average household ($282,000 is considered average) will be paying approximately $3,050.40 in municipal taxes in 2016.

Mayor Mike Smith is happy with the finalized budget but admits he’d personally like to see it lowered. “I’ll always like to see it lower, but I think if we do that we just put off some other decisions and other things down the road," said Smith February 8.

Previous Budget talks were held January 20 (See: Budget awaiting further approval) with many items approved and deferred until 2017. The creation of two full-time GIS position within the Town had councillors vexed with the idea, and budget talks were put on hold until a solution was found.

Town CAO Larry Allison clarified to council that the Town approved the two contract GIS positions, and will be funded through 2016 at a contract rate, and the extra summer students that were purposed in the previous budget talks, were removed.

The motion for the 2016 Budget was then carried by council.

The 2016 operating budget includes several service enhancements:

• the addition of a Community Development Officer

• an increase in funding for the Municipal Heritage Committee

• support for the Chamber/BIA trolley

• the creation of a Fire Fighter Wellness program

• an increase to the Bridge Reserve transfer

• an increase to the Tree and Vegetation Control budget to deal with the Emerald Ash Borer and the aging tree canopy

• the addition of a Parks Manager in Community Services

• an increase to the Airport Committee budget

• the addition of seasonal staff for Waterfront maintenance

• additional funding for the Rail Trail grant

The 2016 budget also includes $40,000 for the 2016 contribution to the Saugeen Memorial Hospital Capital Campaign for the ER expansion. The Town will reach the maximum committed amount of $200,000 in 2017.

The budget also reflects the requested decrease of $10,000 to the Police Services Board budget.

The Town has been informed that there are no changes to the BIA budgets for 2016 so the amounts to be levied will remain at $33,000 for Port Elgin and $29,350 for Southampton. These budgets will be presented to Council at a future date.

Capital work is expected to be completed through tax dollars, donations, Federal Gas Tax funding, User Fees, Development Charges and Reserve Transfers. The total 2016 Capital Budget program is estimated to be $7.9 million dollars.

Major projects in the 2016 Budget include the following:

• Strategic Plan

• Pay Equity review

• Fire fighter personal protective equipment replacement

• Purchase of a replacement fire truck as well as other vehicle and equipment replacement as identified by the Fleet forecast

• Reconstruction of Bruce and Bay streets

• Downtown Port Elgin decorative street lights

• Various traffic signal changes and upgrades

• Emma Street sewer work from Goderich to Hilker streets

• McDonald Lane water work from Victoria to Albert streets

• Recreation Master Plan and Facility Usage/Rate study

• Various improvements at Fairy Lake

• Tourist Camp washroom upgrade in Port Elgin

• Beginning to implement the Waterfront Master Plan

• Drawings for a new Pool facility