GBHS begins easing visitor restrictions in hospitals
Grey Bruce Health Services (GBHS) has updated its Family Presence policy and is now permitting inpatients to have one person visit in hospital...
Grey Bruce Health Services (GBHS) has updated its Family Presence policy and is now permitting inpatients to have one person visit in hospital...
Grey Bruce Health Services has started offering a new treatment to help patients with an opioid addiction. The medication is called Sublocade...
The Grey Bruce Health Unit (GBHU) is renewing its call for all those who are eligible to be tested for COVID-19...
April 18 saw the biggest jump in confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Grey Bruce with 14 new cases, all in Owen Sound...
As of 3:30 p.m. April 14, the cumulative total of confirmed cases of COVID-19 has reached 40. Of those, ten are reported as recovered, one case is currently hospitalized...
Due to a recent change in provincial criteria, the Grey Bruce Health Unit (GBHU) is expanding the eligibility criteria for COVID-19 testing beyond the provincial recommendations...
Following a weekend of two new cases of COVID-19 per day, five new cases were reported between 3:30 p.m. April 5 and 3:30 p.m. April 6...
Grey and Bruce counties, the Grey Bruce Health Unit and Bruce Power are working to create community recovery centres to lessen the burden from the COVID-19 outbreak...
Grey Bruce Health Services is enhancing its capacity to manage any potential increase in COVID-19 cases across the region...
Two new cases of COVID-19 were reported April 1, both health care workers. In the latest Situation report issued Wednesday afternoon from Grey Bruce Health Services...
Bruce Power announced this morning, April 1, that it will be providing 600,000 pieces of personal protective equipment (PPE), including masks, gloves and gowns...