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marijuana leaf

Hub Staff

Leading up to the October 17 marijuana legislation, the Community Drug and Alcohol Strategy of Grey Bruce (CDASGB) is hosting a series of panel discussions entitled 'Weeding out the Myths' across Grey and Bruce counties.

An event is scheduled for the Plex in Saugeen Shores, 600 Tomlinson Drive, on Wednesday, October 3 from 7 to 8:30 p.m. with the discussion framed to help parents and caregivers of teenaged children distinguish fact from fiction and filter through information.

Alison Govier, Coordinator for the CDASGB said the initiative is funded by both counties with a total of five events happening in early October.

Local panelists will include a youth addictions counsellor with Canadian Mental Health Association Grey Bruce, a pharmacist, a public health promoter with Public Health Grey Bruce and Saugeen Shores Police Chief Mike Bellai.

Govier, who will act as moderator for the event, said that a social worker will also be in attendance to whom parents will be able to talk one on one either during or after the session.

"There is a lot of information circulating and the main thing that we want to get out there is that cannabis use is still against the law for anyone under 19 and then the other piece is around how to talk to your teenager about cannabis and about drugs in general," said Govier. "We know there is a lot of fear around drugs but the best way to protect your child from the harms associated with substance use is to really have open, honest and non judgemental conversations with them," she said.

Govier said the difference between medical and recreational cannabis will also be discussed.

In addition to the Saugeen Shores event October 3, a Durham event will be held October 1 at the Community Centre, Wiarton (Community Centre) October 10, Thornbury (Town Hall) October 11 and Owen Sound (Harmony Centre) October 17. All events get underway at 7 p.m.