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Dinner for two at Ristorante RosinaFrom left, Ristorante Risona’s Proprietor Steven Harris, Saugeen Memorial Hospital Foundation Executive Director Sally Kidson and Foundation Chair Jim Barbour.

Hub Staff

If opening the new Emergency Department at the Southampton Hospital was the main course for excitement January 11 for the Saugeen Memorial Hospital Foundation (SMHF), then Sally Kidson, Executive Director offered dessert and digestivo with gusto at an encore performance at Ristorante Rosina.

With a live Facebook feed provided by Catherine Purcell, Kidson chronicled the Port Elgin restaurant for the winners of the Gran Fondo “dinner for two” draw as well as the many others expected in Saugeen Shores during the ‘StayPlayRide’ hospital fundraising event August 19.

Ristorante Rosina’s Proprietor Steven Harris showcased some of the available fare at the downtown establishment to be presented when the winners and other ride participants arrive in Saugeen Shores. Registrations are currently out pacing expectations with over 100 to date and two of note travelling from Vancouver and Colorado Springs.

Jim Barbour, Chair of the hospital foundation sifted through 93 registrations who had met the December 31 draw eligibility deadline and pulled the name of Grant Luxton from Bowmanville as the lucky winner. Luxton is registered for the 70K Winding Past Windmills scenic route.

Information about the ride and registration is available at granfondolakehuron.ca.

And the winner is Grant LuxtonSaugeen Memorial Hospital Foundation Chair Jim Barbour drew the Gran Fondo dinner for two winner at Ristorante Risona’s in Port Elgin while Foundation Executive Director Sally Kidson looks on.