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lighttheway 560Saugeen Memorial Hospital Foundation board and staff wish to thank everyone who donated to the Light the Way fundraising campaign over the past few weeks.

“We are amazed at the generosity of this community,” said Saugeen Memorial Hospital Foundation (SMHF) Chair Jim Barbour. “The money will be well spent and we really appreciate everyone’s support.”

In a SMHF media release, funds will go toward the purchase of equipment for the Southampton hospital including beds, mattresses and stretchers; Information Technology (IT) for patient services, tonometer, vein illuminator, CO2 insufflator, Point of Care - CBC/Diff; physiotherapy exercise equipment, and air handlers and flooring.

The mandate of the SMHF is to raise funds for equipment, facilities and staff development to ensure our community and visitors have access to the best possible hospital care. “Our fundraising target is generally around $500,000 each year and the Light the Way campaign is a very key part of that total,” said SMHF Executive Director Sally Kidson. “The needs change each year and we are very humbled by the support that the community gives year after year.”

Kidson went on to say that support goes beyond the Southampton hospital. “We also support a small percentage of the needs for our regional Owen Sound hospital because, as we all know, many of our Saugeen Shores patients require the services provided at that hospital as well.”

Looking ahead, the needs to upgrade and support the Owen Sound hospital are likely to increase. At nearly 12 years old, the current MRI in Owen Sound is the oldest in Ontario. There is a need for a new mental health care department and the surgical services area needs an overhaul. These special needs are expected to be addressed in the coming months.

For now Kidson is very grateful to be able to fill the needs for this fiscal year, thanking everyone who supported the campaign by giving, volunteering, purchasing advertising, participating in a parade or the 98 the Beach Radiothon.