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waterglassFULLRecent high water and flooding pose a number of potential health risks for some local residents, from a April 1 media release from Public Health Grey Bruce.

If your well has been flooded, is close to floodwater, if you obtain drinking water from a river or lake, and especially if you have noticed a change in the appearance or smell of your drinking water, it may been contaminated. Left untreated, contaminated water can be a health risk and should not be consumed.

If you think your private water supply may be contaminated you should use an alternative supply such as bottled water; or boil water for one minute prior to consumption, use in food preparation, brushing teeth.

There are health risks to avoid if your home has been flooded. Before starting clean up, ensure that your home is safe from structural defects and have a certified technician check your electrical or gas services.

Food that has been in contact with floodwater will be contaminated and should be discarded.

You will need to thoroughly clean, disinfect and dry affected areas of the house. Objects or materials that cannot be adequately cleaned may need to be discarded.
Ensure that your water supply is safe, that your sewage system is working correctly and that any affected appliances are inspected and safe.

If you would like more information on health risks associated with flooding, please contact the Health Unit at 519-376-9420.