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GBHS logo fullGrey Bruce Health Services (GBHS) is pleased to present a new Strategic Plan for 2016 to 2020, and would like to acknowledge the feedback, input and support from the hundreds of individuals and organizations who contributed to the Plan over the past several months.

“This new Strategic Plan sets the future direction and goals for GBHS,” said Lance Thurston, GBHS President and CEO. “It will help us to stay focused and keep us on the right track – ensuring that our organization and services remain strong, relevant and responsive to the changing needs of our communities.”

Health care in Ontario is undergoing significant change and hospitals, particularly rural hospitals are facing mounting challenges – hospital budgets have been frozen for several years; the demand for services continues to rise, and care is increasingly dependent on expensive technology.

The four new directions outlined in the Plan will help GBHS address these challenges, and push the organization to achieve the best outcomes; create positive experiences; secure our future; and, inspire passion in our people.

GBHS, with six hospitals and a withdrawal management centre serving Bruce and Grey counties, supports the health and well-being of residents and the many visitors to our region, and makes a significant contribution to the economic health and wellbeing of the communities it serves.

“There is a collective benefit in our success. Achieving the goals set out in the Plan will require a collaborative effort at all levels within the organization, with partners across our regional health care system, and with patients and residents across Grey Bruce,” said Thurston. “Together, I am confident that we can achieve our vision of exceptional care, strong partnerships and healthy communities.”

The full 2016-2020 Strategic Plan is available on the website along with Highlights of the plan. Updates and progress reports on implementation of the Plan will be posted on the website.