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covid 19 4

On Friday, November 20, the provincial government announced that Grey-Bruce would be moving from the Green Stage to the Yellow Stage of their pandemic framework.

In a November 21 Grey Bruce Health Unit (GBHU) media release, the change is happening Monday, November 23 and the recommendation followed consultation between the Chief Medical Officer of Health for Ontario, Dr David Williams, and the local Medical Officer of Health, Dr Ian Arra. The decision came as a result of the region's epidemiological data and trends.

The change from Green to Yellow means greater restrictions and enhanced enforcement including operational restrictions on bars and restaurants, sports and recreational facilities, personal care services, retail spaces and other businesses.

The GBHU website is said to be updated on Monday, November 23 to reflect the change.

"Collectively, it is in our control to change our designation back to Green as soon as we can," read the release, adding, "but it will take an effort from all of us."

The five levels of public health measures are: Green or "Prevent", Yellow or "Protect, Orange or "Restrict", Red or "Control, and finally Grey or "Lockdown.

For detailed information on Yellow and the other categories, visit www.ontario.ca/page/covid-19-response-framework-keeping-ontario-safe-and-open.

Additional updates to the GBHU website Monday will also include fact sheets to assist the public and businesses in understanding these changes.

"We continue to be in this together, and only as a collective can we get back to Green. We simply need to get 'Back to the Basics', read the release.

Recommendations include:

Wash your hands frequently
Watch your distance (ideally 2 metres)
Wear your face covering correctly
Avoid crowds
Arrange for outdoor activities instead of indoors whenever possible
Stay home if you are sick
Avoid close contact (unprotected contact within 6 feet of each other) with those from outside your household
Avoid travel to areas with higher transmission and minimize non-essential travel

As of November 21, 16 new cases had been reported in the previous 24 hours in Grey Bruce. Three of those were in West Grey, two each in Owen Sound, Arran Elderslie, Blue Mountains, Kincardine and Southgate and one apiece in Grey Highlands and Hanover

The current cumulative total in Grey Bruce is 275 with 56 active confirmed cases and nine active probable cases. High risk contacts associated with the active cases sits at 257 and two confirmed cases are currently hospitalized. To date, no deaths have been reported as a result of the COVID-19 in Grey Bruce.