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sydney mason

It was a race to the finish in 2018 when runners Sydney Snelling and Mason Bell participated in the 5k.

Hub Staff

We’re racing towards the 31st annual Huron Shore Run, with just under a week before runners take to the starting line on Saturday, June 1. Hundreds have already registered and over $11,500 has been raised online for the Saugeen Memorial Hospital Foundation, the Rotary Clubs of Southampton and Port Elgin and the Saugeen Track and Field Club.

“Donations are pouring in and we have two participants who have collected over $3,000 already,” reported June Van Bastelaar, co-organizer of the event.

Van Bastellar praised Town Staff for their strong support of the event and said that organizers hope that the repaving of the North Shore path through Port Elgin will reach completion before June 1. If not, runners will take to the roadside along the harbour.

Runners are encouraged to register online, however paper registrations will also be accepted from 6:30 to 8 p.m. on Friday, May 31 at the Southampton Coliseum. Online registrants will receive an email with package pickup instructions and race details.

“We have approximately 70 volunteers in place along with 55 sponsors who help to make this event such a success,” said Van Bastelaar. “Now we are praying for good weather," she said.

A focus on health will extend beyond the Rotary Huron Shore Run Saturday with the Saugeen Paddle, hosted by Thorncrest Outfitters, from 2 to 4 p.m., and the Town of Saugeen Shores' Health and Wellness Fair from 9 a.m. to noon.

As a lead in on Friday evening select Southampton restaurants will participate in Noodle Night.

See also: The 31st annual Rotary Huron Shore Run set for June 1

Southampton BIA wants you to "run" to Southampton May 31 and June 1