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ribbon cutting

Southampton Hospital Manager Donna Chappelle and Grey Bruce Health Services Chief of Staff Dr Mike Marriott cut the ceremonial ribbon unveiling the new donor wall at the Saugeen Memorial Hospital November 5.

Hub Staff

A celebration of volunteers and donors was held at the Saugeen Memorial Hospital in Southampton November 5 as a tribute from the Saugeen Memorial Hospital Foundation (SMHF), which is currently celebrating 20 years of contributions to the Southampton hospital and Grey Bruce Health Services.

The event was also cause for celebration as the highly anticipated donor wall was officially revealed to the public and donors and volunteers had the chance to meet the Foundation's new Executive Director Tracy Murray.

“The welcome I've received this past week... has been a little overwhelming but everyone has been so kind," said Murray. "It's been a fabulous first week,” she said.

Murray told the crowd of approximately 40 people that it was clear to her that “this is a beautiful small town with a big heart and I very much look forward to being a part of that and getting to know all of you.”

The donor wall features a few photos of Southampton and area and before cutting the ceremonial ribbon Grey Bruce Health Services Chief of Staff Dr Mike Marriott said looking at it is almost emotional as names are listed from businesses, community groups and individuals with a large in memoriam section for those who left funds for the Foundation in their will. Those mentioned on the wall have each donated $5,000 to up to over $1 million over many years.

Chair of the hospital expansion campaign, Tony Sheard, told folks in attendance that names can be added to the wall any time as they're printed on vinyl sheets. “We can update a sheet in a matter of minutes. It’s all digitally stored and then we can reprint a new vinyl and insert one if we need to, or if someone moves from one level to another as they do,” explained Sheard.

A cheque for $225,000 was presented to Grey Bruce Health Services on behalf of the Saugeen Memorial Hospital Foundation. The cheque came from funds raised from three summer events, the Rotary Huron Shore Run, the Bruce Power Golf Tournament and the inaugural Gran Fondo cycling fundraiser, with outgoing SMHF Executive Director Sally Kidson thanking the many volunteers and organizers of those events for their continued contributions to local health care.

Chair of the MRI fundraising committee, Sylvia Sheard, said that it was “onwards and upward” when it comes to raising money for the next large project. The MRI machine currently in use at the Owen Sound hospital, which serves patients in the Grey Bruce Health Services catchment, is the oldest in Canada. “It’s only $4.7 million," said Sheard. "If I had it I’d give it but I haven't so I need all you to please help me,” she joked.

Sheard then challenged 470 people in the community to give $470. "If we can all give a little it will make a lot and I hope we can complete our challenge very soon," she said.


Funds raised from Lake Huron Gran Fondo, Bruce Power Golf Tournament and Rotary Huron Shore Run was presented to Grey Bruce Health Services toward the new MRI machine at the donor and volunteer appreciation event November 5 at the Southampton hospital. From left, Grey Bruce Health Services Chief of Staff Dr Mike Marriott, Saugeen Memorial Hospital Foundation's (SMHF) new Executive Director Tracy Murray, Southampton Hospital Manager Donna Chappelle, SMHF outgoing Executive Director Sally Kidson, SMHF Chair Jim Barbour and chair of the MRI fundraising committee Sylvia Sheard.

mike marriott

Grey Bruce Health Services Chief of Staff Dr Mike Marriott speaking at the donor and volunteer appreciation event held at the Southampton Hospital.

tracy murray

New Foundation Executive Director Tracy Murray addressed the approximately 40 in attendance.

tony sylvia sheard

Sylvia Sheard (left) and Tony Sheard have each held different roles within the fundraising facets for the Saugeen Memorial Hospital Foundation and both spoke at the November 5 donor and volunteer appreciation event.

donor wall

The newly installed donor wall was revealed at Saugeen Memorial Hospital.


Approximately 40 people were in attendance at the celebration November 5.