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water fullIf you live in Saugeen Shores and get your water from a private well, you need to have your water tested, from a March 23 Public Health Grey Bruce media release. The service is provided for free from Public Health Ontario to residents in the Grey Bruce region, including Saugeen Shores, on well water to test for bacterial contamination.

Spring rains and snowmelt can cause higher levels of ground and surface water or even localized flooding. These conditions can affect your well and possibly contaminate the water. That makes spring a perfect time to test the safety of your water.

Testing well water is particularly important in Grey and Bruce due to the proximity of the escarpment in the region. The rock and soil types along the escarpment affect the way water moves both above and below ground. Conditions are locally variable, but can have an impact on water quality. The only way to know if your well is safe is to test it.

Public Health serves as a drop-off for water samples as well as area hospitals. Pick up at the Southampton Hospital, 519-797-3230. Drop off is available at the Southampton Hospital before 9:40 a.m. Monday to Friday. The time listed is approximate and arriving early is advised to ensure same day pick up.

Additional pick up and drop off locations and times are available by clicking here.

Water Sampling KitPhoto: Water testing sampling kit available from Public Health