Snow Mountain a hit for fourth annual Snow Fest
Snow Mountain made another appearance in Coulter Parkette in downtown Port Elgin on February as the Port Elgin BIA hosted the fourth annual Snow Fest...
Snow Mountain made another appearance in Coulter Parkette in downtown Port Elgin on February as the Port Elgin BIA hosted the fourth annual Snow Fest...
The Bruce County Museum & Cultural Centre (BCM&CC) is taking on Guinness World Records this Family Day weekend in an event that will welcome...
Bruce County Museum and Cultural Centre (BCM&CC) wants to help visitors beat the winter blahs beginning February 12 with their annual Adventure Talks...
The famous snow mountain will be returning to Coulter Parkette on Family Day weekend as the Port Elgin BIA will be hosting the fourth annual...
The Home for the Holidays Christmas Market at the Port Elgin Home Hardware, November 16, warmed hearts and bellies with local food fare...
The 11th annual Chantry Island Cham-bettes Christmas Tour of Homes is only weeks away when six decorated homes will be open to showcase...
Pumpkins, squash and an assortment of gourds all met their match in the side yard of the Port Elgin Missionary Church October 20...
It was a big year for the Canadian Big Band Celebration (CBBC) as they celebrated their 25th anniversary this past weekend...
From Canadian Big Band Celebration
The popular music performed in the dance pavilions that graced the Lake Huron shoreline from the 1920s to the 1980s was a cherished time for many...
Hub Staff
Pumpkinfest Coordinator Joanne Robbins and Pumkinfest President Brad Scott delivered a delegation to Saugeen Shores Council at the September 9...
Executive Chef Randy Felker returned for the fourth annual Farm to Table dinner at Hi-Berry Farm on Saturday, September 7...