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Lucas Wilson

Four-time Guinness World Record holder Lucas Wilson will be at Bruce County Museum February 17.

Hub Staff

The Bruce County Museum & Cultural Centre (BCM&CC) is taking on Guinness World Records this Family Day weekend in an event that will welcome Canada's four-time Guinness World Recording holding illusionist Lucas Wilson.

In a BCM&CC media release, Lucas' Guinness records include fastest escape from a straitjacket, in chains and upside down, underwater and more. The show will get underway on Monday, February 17 at 1 p.m., followed by a workshop at 2:30 p.m. Tickets will be available through the Visitor Centre at 10 a.m.

Guinness records being challenged will include catching the most lemons while blindfolded, fastest Mr Potato Head assembler and how many pairs of underpants can be put on over pants in one minute.

The entire event is set to an old-time carnival theme with games, activities, and cash vendors. Tea leaf readings will show a glimpse into the future and the model train will be running for the train enthusiasts young and old.

The Southampton Rotary Club will be serving up a lunch barbecue with treats and warm beverages available from Rabbit Dash.

General admission applies.