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wayne boats

With crowds cheering and boaters boating, Captain Wayne Sparrow, aka Wayne Kaufman, helped guide these racers in the right direction. It was a close finish between Delilah and The Yellow Submarine at the Cardboard Boat Races, part of the ninth annual Marine Heritage Festival in Southampton July 27.

Hub Staff

The ninth annual Marine Heritage Festival took place on the shores of Lake Huron at Pioneer Park in Southampton, July 26 to 28. The festival has been growing steadily since its inception in 2011, both in popularity and in the number of activities.

Friday events held at the Bruce County Museum and Cultural Centre (BCM&CC) included free admission into the museum, a launch party, barbecue, children's activities and live entertainment. An evening ghost walk by the Southampton flagpole led by Katherine Leonard gave haunting finish to the first day of festivities.

Early Saturday morning, crews were busy registering their cardboard vessels for the much anticipated Cardboard Boat Races. The boats received a pre-rinse before the big race as the beach was pelted by a heavy rain at 11am. Participants and spectators crowded under tents and waited anxiously for the rain to subside. The clouds broke shortly after 11am and captains hurried to ready their watercrafts.

The Under 12 participants were the first to launch. With over 30 boats, this category had fans lining the beaches and filling the stands. These young crews fought wayward winds as they paddled hard toward finish line. Not everyone made it to shore afloat but the audience’s cheers stayed strong above the gusts and crashing waves.

The Mighty Meikle took the title for the Under 12s after an effortless excursion that left the Scallywags bobbing in the breeze. This would not be the last of the Mighty Meikle, which made several appearances in the water and on the award stage.

As Captain Wayne Sparrow awarded the gold medal to Mighty Meikle’s Captain he warned, “Next year we’ll be putting an anchor on you."

The Chi-Cheemaun Tug of War Big Boat Challenge saw its first competition between Bruce County Museum staff and the Saugeen Strokers which included members of Saugeen Shores Council with some extra muscle power from Saugeen Shores Fire Chief Phil Eagleson. The Strokers took the win and went on to earn the champion paddle for the Big Boat Challenge.

Nine cardboard crafts made up the Teen competition with an exciting pursuit between a mermaid, some pirates and a shark. It seemed the wind picked up with every blow of the horn, challenging these young boaters to stay their course. Once again, the infamous Mighty Meikle captured gold.

Next, 11 families furiously fought for fame and fortune. This time the Mighty Meikle met its match with an upset against the Yellow Submarine. A double capsize resulted between the CBC Potty Boat and the SS Wathke, leaving them out of the running. In the end, the Family Shipbox sailed to victory, followed by Parker’s Tabby Cat and the Pink Paddler taking third place.

Seven sea vessels made up the Adult competition with a first ever tie for gold between Flying Dutchman the 3rd and J.F. Slayer II. With an ironic twist of fate, The Sinking Feeling nabbed bronze in the Adult category.

Finally the Corporate and Services seadogs set sail to battle it out for the 2019 Cardboard Boat Race Trophy. When the waves settled, The Seaward, representing Martin’s Bicycle Shop and commanded by Captain Graham Starrs was awarded the championship trophy. The Blue Pearl, manned by the Chantry Island Chambettes landed second place while Bruce County Museum took third.

Competitors were presented with one last opportunity at glory with the Dash for Cash that saw boats that had managed to stay intact invited to participate with a $2 entry fee. As 10 ships launched simultaneously, a chaotic but thrilling chase ensued. With their unwavering confidence and outstanding costumes, the Chambettes’ Blue Pearl got their hands on the prize.

As the boat races came to an end, spectators trickled down to meander through the booths at the Bruce Power Vendors' Market. More than 35 vendors filled Pioneer Park with apparel, jewellery, woodcrafts and homemade goods from local artisans.

Saturday finished with food and live entertainment while Sunday brought the War on the Shore Bike Race and a community picnic.


Scott and Carole Wathke came to cheer on the SS Wathke Family Cardboard Boat as they competed in the boat races at the ninth annual Marine Heritage Festival in Southampton July 27.


From left, Graham, Liam and Otto, creators and captains of the Mermaid GAL which set sail from Pioneer Park July 27.


The crew of the Yellow Submarine were having lots of fun as they took part in the Cardboard Boat Races at the ninth annual Marine Heritage Festival July 27.


Lizzie (front) and Georgia (back) were ready to make a splash in their dragon boat Delilah at the Marine Heritage Festival in Southampton.

Chi Cheemaun

Captain Wayne Sparrow joined The Lighthouse Keepers' team in the Chi-Cheemaun Big Canoe Challenge July 27.


This bunch of pirates, also known as the Chantry Island Chambettes, were ready to sail the high seas in the cardboard boat races, part of the ninth annual Marine Heritage Festival at Pioneer Park in Southampton.

Graham Starrs

Graham Starrs captained The Seaward, Martin's Bicycle Shop's vessel, and was awarded the 2019 Cardboard Boat Race trophy.


Chantry Island Chambettes, from left, Carol Ann D’Andrea, Christine Champion, Jane Thede and Marilyn Appleman, were prepared to fight for glory in The Blue Pearl at the ninth annual Marine Heritage Festival cardboard boat races July 27 in Southampton.


The Saugeen Strokers earned gold in the Chi-Cheemaun Tug of War Big Boat Challenge, competing against staff from the Bruce County Museum & Cultural Centre, The Port Elgin Harbour and the Lighthouse Keeper.


Ducty was rumoured to be covered from bow to stern in duct tape. Its three crew members defeated the Red Tornado in their heat at the ninth annual Marine Heritage Festival Cardboard Boat Races July 27.

rotary bear

Bearama gave a high five to the captain of the Southampton Rotary's boat Splash Paddy.


The two person Maniac crew out-paddled their opponents in a well crafted cardboard boat at the Marine Heritage Festival in Southampton.


Megalodon received a gentle push from Captain Wayne Sparrow to keep them on course during their race against Razor Shark 6.


Winner of the Under 12 sailors, The Mighty Meikle was in stellar form at the ninth annual Marine Heritage Festival July 27.


After an early upset, the captain of the SS Justin uprighted his ship to make a miraculous comeback, beating the Sunsetter in the Under 12 competition.


Batboat Forever took an easy win over the Titanik at Cardboard Boat Races, part of the ninth annual Marine Heritage Festival.


Team 20/20 and the Pink Potato paddled to the finish in the Under 12 cardboard boat race competition.


A carefully crafted cardboard boat, E=MC2, sailed an impressive course at the Marine Heritage Festival's Cardboard Boat Races July 27 in Southampton.


The crewmen of King Hunter stayed close to shore to win their race against M&R in the Under 12 Cardboard Boat Races.


Squidard made a quick dash for the shoreline, leaving Mastercraft bobbing behind, and landing him third place in the Under 12 cardboard boat race competition at Pioneer Park in Southampton.


The hefty crew of the J.F. Slayer II steered their vessel onto shore launching them into second place in the Under 12 category.


The offspring of the Flying Dutchman the 3rd overtook Roo to finish in second place in the Teens division at the Cardboard Boat Races, part of the ninth annual Marine Heritage Festival in Southampton.


Ship 43143318 set a direct course for the finish line to beat their opponent, Ice Cream, who melted under the pressure at the Southampton Marine Heritage Festival.


The sturdily built Jaws made a swift journey to shore, leaving Mermaid GAL and Gobles Beach Pirates in its wake.


The Pink Paddler held on to their lead as they rounded the buoy and headed toward shore. Parkers Tabby Cat stayed strong and ended with a second place finish while the Pink Paddler took the gold in the Family division at the Cardboard Boat Races July 27.


The Family Shipbox gave a stellar performance which landed them onshore and on the podium for bronze medals in the Family category at Pioneer Park.


Sinking Feeling cast all doubts aside and glided into third place for the Adult competition at the ninth annual Marine Heritage Festival.


The swift departure of the Flying Dutchman the 3rd maintained a substantial lead on More Shenanigans and gained him a tie for first place in the Adult category.


The second appearance for the massive J.F. Slayer II, this time with a crew of four adults who steered it to another victory, tied for 1st place in the Adult Cardboard Boat Races.


The Chambette Pirates gleefully took the lead in the Blue Pearl over the Rotary Splashpaddy in the first Corporate and Services heat at the Marine Heritage Festival in Southampton.


98 the Beach and Bruce County Museum were no match for Martin’s Bicycle Shop’s The Seaward who took home the 2019 Cardboard Boat Race trophy.


The Dash for Cash gave competitors a last chance at victory. Any boat still intact at the end of the races competed in one massive race for a $25 treasure. The loot was rightfully taken by the Chambette Pirates of the Blue Pearl, who had The Seaward right on their tail.

Family gold

Captain of the Family Shipbox proudly claimed his bronze medal for his third place finish in the Family Cardboard Boat Races.

kids silver

Captain and crewmen from the J.F. Slayer II donned their silver medals for their second place win in Under 12 competition July 27 at Pioneer Park.


Parker’s Tabby Cat accepted a silver medal in the Family Category, July 27 at the Marine Heritage Festival in Southampton.


The Bruce County Museum & Cultural Centre scooped up the second place medal for the Corporate and Services competition at the Cardboard Boat Races July 27.