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Snow Fest wasn't just for kids. Saugeen Shores Mayor Luke Charbonneau was having some wintry fun with 3 year old son, Martin.

Hub Staff

The Family Day weekend kicked off with some wintry family fun February 16 as the Port Elgin BIA hosted the third annual Snow Fest.

With snow painting, road hockey, face painting, giant bubbles, s'mores and of course the infamous Snow Mountain, children and their families flocked to Coulter Parkette in downtown Port Elgin.

Event organizer Steff Allen praised Town Public Works staff for their mountain making abilities. "They did an amazing job,” she said. “I think it's higher and longer than it was last year for sure.”

With some children lined up for their turn down the Snow Fest hill, others were busy decorating it. "The paint station has been going crazy,” said Allen, who thanked numerous community volunteers who had stepped up to help make Snow Fest possible.

Line up

With lines ups heading up the snow mountain, sledding was a popular activity at the third annual Snow Fest.


The Snow Fest snow mountain provided hours of fun for families in downtown Port Elgin.


Port Elgin's Branson (left) and Mali along with dad, Chad were busy toasting some tasty s'mores.


Two year old Adler was creating some huge Snow Fest bubbles in Coulter Parkette February 16.


Sledding down the snow mountain was 6 year old Maci at the third annual Snow Fest.


Five year old Owen was busy decorating the snow mountain February 16.

Face Painting

Getting their faces decorated were, from left, Rachael (8), Sadie (8), Marla (6), Bianca (10), Stella (4) and Carter (6) in downtown Port Elgin.

Madison Stella

Armed with their paint bottles, 9 year olds Madison (left) and Stella were busy adding some colour to the Snow Fest mountain in Coulter Parkette.


Volunteers Angela Albright of The Main Event and Saugeen Shores Interact Club President Jack Evans were busy handing out s'mores ingredients to Snow Fest attendees at the third annual Snow Fest.


Road hockey was open to all ages who wanted to play.


Turning 8 this week, Coraline was enjoying a tasty s'more at the third annual Snow Fest in downtown Port Elgin.

Coulter Parkette

With numerous activities, Coulter Parkette in downtown Port Elgin was a busy place the Saturday of Family Day weekend as families came for some wintry Snow Fest fun.