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On a wintery day February 9, the GC Huston Hawks came ready for some fun at Rotary Winterama in Port Elgin.

Hub Staff

The Rotary Clubs of Port Elgin, Southampton, Tara and Hepworth-Shallow Lake once again joined forces for the 17th annual Rotary Winterama February 9 with events taking place in Port Elgin, Southampton, Shallow Lake and Hepworth.

Curling at the Curling Club in Southampton and skating at The Plex in Port Elgin saw local children enjoying winter activities before heading to the Rotary Hall for a pizza and fruit lunch.

True to its "for the kids" mantra, Rotary Winterama sees local elementary school aged children collect pledges prior to the event with funds going to help children's programs.

Port Elgin Rotarian and Winterama organizer Ron Moss explained that 70 cents of every dollar that the children raise in pledges goes back to their own school via a share back program. “Out of that 70 cents, 30 cents goes to the school's breakfast program and 40 cents goes to a school project,” said Moss. The remaining 30 cents goes to support children's programs in Grey and Bruce such as the Bluewater Outdoor Education Centre.

"Not only does this help the schools with providing good nutrition through the breakfast program and to buy equipment but it also helps Rotary with many projects across Grey and Bruce counties," Moss said.

Totals raised for the 2019 event are yet undetermined. Moss explained that due to a high number of recent snow days at area schools, the Rotary clubs were extending the deadline for pledges as well as a colouring and drawing contest by one week.

The colouring contest is Junior Kindergarten to Grade 4 while Grades 5 to 8 students were doing a drawing contest, explained Moss February 9, adding that the entries would be collected, judged and awards awarded at a school assembly.

After lunch children were invited to pick a gift from a prize table which had various items donated by local businesses.

Party Bus

GC Huston Public School students and teachers arrived at The Plex in Port Elgin on the infamous Party Bus for some Rotary Winterama fun February 9.


Renata Dewar was surrounded by Southampton 6 year olds, from left, Alison, Aadison, Reese, Ava and Mayzie; all having fun on the ice February 9 in Port Elgin.

John Avery Neve

John Poulsen and 5 year olds Avery (left) and Neve were enjoying their time on the ice at The Plex.


There were plenty of skaters at The Plex in Port Elgin for the 17th annual Rotary Winterama.


Northport Elementary School students, 6 year old Harrison (left) and 8 year old Josiah, eagerly wait as Winterama mascot Bearama helped to bring in lunch, courtesy of Boston Pizza.


Port Elgin Rotary's Ron Moss stands with members of the Rotary Interact Club, Saugeen District Secondary School Grade 12 students Maddy Craig (left) and Mackenzie MacQueen who, among other things, were helping display entries in the Winterama colouring contest.

Rotary Hall

After hours of skating, curling and Rotary Winterama fun, children enjoyed lunch at the Rotary Hall in Port Elgin.

Prize Table

With various items donated by local businesses, children were invited to the prize table to choose a Winterama gift.