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The living dead, Hanna Holt and whacky inflatable arm tube man, Owen Holt took part in an afternoon trick or treating event at Smiths’ Apples Farm and Market October 27 where members of Caitlyn Cobean Community Crusaders were stationed around the property with candy at the ready.

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It was a spooktacular day of giving back as Smiths’ Apples and Farm Market opened up their property to two community groups, Caitlyn Cobean Community Crusaders (CCCC) and WES For Youth Online, who incorporated Halloween into their kid-friendly fundraiser efforts October 27.

A third charity, Mentally Fit, also benefitted from the day's events.

Smiths' co-owner Katie Lutz said that 100 percent of proceeds raised during the day went to the three charities. An afternoon Trick or Treat candy hunt run by CCCC raised $1,385 and an evening after dark Corn Maze event saw 200 participants and raised a total of $1,200 with $600 going to WES for Youth and $600 going to Mentally Fit.

The season is starting to wind down for Smiths' Apple Farm and Market, however with Christmas around the corner there will be four days of Christmas Markets to mark on the calendar.

Smiths’ will be open November 23, 24, 30 and December 1 and will have a variety of products for sale including apples, ornaments and pies.


Trying to keep dry on the rainy day were CCCC volunteers, from left, Jessica Perdue, Sheri Perdue and Barb DeBoer.


Panda Sierra (left) and Unicorn Jazalyn were happy to take a picture with the CCCC witch Rhonda Berry, October 27 at Smiths' Apples and Farm Market's Trick or Treat event.


Corey Morris holding his 13 month old penguin Maxwell at the Trick or Treat event at Smiths’ Apple October 27.


Princess Marley Jarvis, age 3, didn't find any poison in these apples.

katie jim

Owners of Smiths' Apples and Farm Market Katie Lutz and Jim Mondry were dressed for trick or treating success.


Clown Jim Mondry was able to show off his juggling talents with his costume October 27.


Seven month old unicorn Sophie being held by mother Alexis before entering the apple farm.


Spiderman Tyson left his web slingers at home in favour of a good push from parents Logan and Anne.