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caminodesantiago fullThe Port Elgin United Church Women are pleased to have Luz Maria Wilson come and present her experience of her 790 kilometre trek of the Camino de Santiago The Way of St. James, on Monday, May 2 at 7 p.m.

Wilson is from Mexico City and after university started her working life with the diplomatic service. From 1975 to 2001 she served in different capacities at the Embassies of Mexico in Canada, the United States, Jamaica and at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Mexico City.

Retirement brought Wilson and her partner, Charles to Southampton to settle. She is a writer, philosopher, and a passionate advocate for those with less power in our society. She joined Canadian Federation of University Women (CFUW) as it was the only local group addressing advocacy for women’s issues. She has also worked with local Mexican migrant workers to help with employment advice and training.

Please join us to meet her and find out how this adventure helped shape her view of life. A freewill offering will be taken with proceeds going to the Saugeen Shores Refugee Fund.