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aa gordon

Local Author A.A. Gordon holding the first book of her Dowrra series titled The Wayside at her masquerade themed book launch at the Queen’s Bar & Grill July 20.

Hub Staff

Characters with the ability to bond with supernatural lovers span the pages of local author A.A. Gordon's Dowrra series which was celebrated July 20 at the Queen’s Bar and Grill with a sultry masquerade event.

While Gordon had previously self published the first four books in the series (The Wayside, Bloodline, Redemption and Wolfsbane) the books are now being re-released through Gordon’s new Runefire Publications with The Wayside being the first to market.

Gordon said she's been writing the Dowrra series for ten years and cannot wait for the second book in the series to be printed. Bloodline is expected in the next few months.

Each book is about a different relationship, said Gordon, each including deeper political meanings. “All of the characters walk in and out of each character’s stories,” she said.

Gordon explained that each book centres around a different set of characters and that each book has a female lead who is a descendant of the Goddess of Love, Inanna.

“I won’t be looking for anything to do for the next 20 years of my life,” said Gordon, who said she has the 20 books planned in the series. “It’s nice because people can get invested as the characters continue on.”

Although self published, the books are being edited and printed professionally in Canada and of the first 500 copies of The Wayside created, Gordon said that 100 copies have already been sold.

“It felt like I was taking a risk,” explained Gordon. “Once you self publish a lot of publishers won’t look at you,” she said but added she believes the Dowrra Series were good enough now that they’ve received recognition.

Gordon said she was pleased with the Wayside masquerade launch. “I had people that I've never met before coming up to me telling me how much they loved it and telling me who their favourite characters were and their favourite scenes and it was just very rewarding,” she said, adding that it’s especially rewarding to hear positive feedback from strangers.

“My family is obligated to love me. When people come up and they go out of their way to attend an event that I’m planning just to meet me and support me, that’s huge,” she said.

The author suggests readers of The Wayside and the subsequent novels be over 18 years of age as “there’s some steamy scenes” and for readers to start with The Wayside as there are some nuanced perspectives of characters who come in and out of every book. “There’s a couple of scenes that go from one perspective, and the other person looks kind of evil or bad and then in the next book you're in their perspective looking at it from their eyes and it’s totally reversed,” explained Gordon.

The Wayside can be purchased at various locations including Books & Strings, Rabbit Dash, and Bruce County Physiotherapy in Port Elgin; Kristen’s Pharmacy in Southampton, Fincher’s in Kincardine and Coles in Owen Sound. The Wayside can also be purchased on Amazon and is available on Kobo readers.


Gordon, a self published author, had 500 copies of The Wayside printed and sold 100 in the first few days.


The masquerade party was also a chance for fans of The Wayside to meet A.A. Gordon and have their books signed by the author.


Many in attendance were dressed with a dramatic flare.


The masquerade event was held at the Queen's Bar and Grill July 20. Author A.A. Gordon said she has 20 books planned for the Dowrra series.