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A host of activities was on offer at the Saugeen Bluffs Maple Syrup Festival, March 25 and 26.

Taffy560Fresh maple taffy was a popular and tasty treat at the Saugeen Bluffs Maple Syrup Festival March 25 and 26.

Blackpowder560Reenacting pioneer days, left to right, Jason and Jack Barlow, Gerry Neilands, Shawn Watson, Raymond Langston and 'Hunter' were offering black powder demonstrations to crowds of onlookers.

DogShow560The Four Paws Flying Entertainment Show was a big hit as a variety of canines showed off their high flying, frisbee catching skills.

Family560The Morgan family from Chesley were warming up with some hot apple cider as they enjoyed the day’s festivities. Left to right, Morgan, age 7; Adam, Nolan, age 6 and Ashley.

Woodcraving Jacob560Wood Carver Jacob Frenette shows off his talents as he uses a blowtorch to put the finishing touches to a wolf.

Horses560Families enjoyed horse drawn wagon rides at the Saugeen Bluffs Maple Syrup Festival March 25 and 26.

Pancakes560A pancakes and sausage lunch with lots of fresh maple syrup was part of the day for many visitors to the festival.

For full story, see Thousands flock to largest maple syrup festival in two counties.