Saugeen Grannies help the Stephen Lewis Foundation
The Saugeen Grannies were at their usual Thursday spot in front of Chantry Breezes Bed & Breakfast, Southampton this week, selling donated jewellery and crafts...
The Saugeen Grannies were at their usual Thursday spot in front of Chantry Breezes Bed & Breakfast, Southampton this week, selling donated jewellery and crafts...
Water samples taken at Port Elgin Main Beach and Gobles Grove show results within acceptable levels according to Ministry of Health and Long-term Care standards...
People of all ages came to see Wild Ontario's Wild Bird Show as they paid a visit to the Port Elgin branch of the Bruce County Public Library...
Dr. Eli Maor, historian of mathematics and author of several books including To Infinity and Beyond: A Cultural History of the Infinite
Over 100 players have entered the Saugeen Memorial Hospital Auxiliary Golf Tournament, to be held at the Saugeen Golf Club, Thursday August 20...
Port Elgin native and Jazz vocalist Rebecca Binnendyk’s listeners had been telling her for some time that they wanted to ‘take her home.’ Her answer?...
Beach water sampling from Tuesday, August 11, 2015 at Port Elgin Main Beach and Gobles Grove shows levels exceeding Ministry of Health and Long-term Care standards for acceptable bacterial levels.
A glorious Saturday evening on August 8th for the Port Elgin Rotary Club as it hosted its second annual Ribfest at North Shore Park in Port Elgin from 5pm to 11pm...
More pictures of the Saugeen First Nation 44th Annual Competition Pow Wow...
Hundreds came to watch the dancing, listen to the drumming and enjoy the vendors and food on offer at the Saugeen First Nation "Honouring Mother Earth" 44th Annual...
The 7th Annual Historic Saugeen Métis Rendezvous was held at Pioneer Park in Southampton on Saturday, August 8...