Scholarship recipients welcomed at CFUW dinner
The Canadian Federation of University Women Southport held their annual Year in Review dinner at Saugeen Golf Club, June 9....
The Canadian Federation of University Women Southport held their annual Year in Review dinner at Saugeen Golf Club, June 9....
The Lake Huron Children’s Festival Committee and the Port Elgin & District Lion’s Club presents the second annual Lake Huron Children’s Festival...
The Bruce County Museum & Cultural Centre along with Harrigan's 100 Mile Food Market & Catering were hosts to the latest Saugeen Shores Chamber of Commerce...
The top athletes from Saugeen District Secondary School (SDSS) were recognized at the school’s Athletic Banquet, May 8, with four students being named Athlete of the Year....
The 47th Annual Southampton Craft Show is set to showcase thousands of crafts on Thursday, July 7 with over 140 indoor and outdoor vendors displaying their wares...
The Royals Basketball League wrapped up another successful season with some exciting play in the championship games....
Bruce Power has provided $30,000 to the Canadian Cancer Society for area Youth Relay for Life events, including the one held at Saugeen District Secondary School June 2....
Sandcastle Theatre will be holding auditions for anyone ages 8 to adult, July 12, 27 and 28 for their Saugeen Shores production of Peter Pan – the Panto, which will....
The Chantry Island Cham-bettes donated $500 to the Women’s House Serving Bruce and Grey. The money was raised at their annual movie night event....
Saugeen Shore Police Chief, Dan Rivett, invited media to tour the 16 year old 6,000 square foot police facilities, June 8, which he claims are too small. His hope was to illustrate the point....
The Port Elgin Farmers’ Market was in the second week of its in Coulter Parkette on a cooler than normal Wednesday, June 8....