Songwriter David Archibald lends his musical prowess to range light restoration efforts
Songwriter, composer and playwright David Archibald has created a song, 'River Range Light', in support of the Marine Heritage Society's efforts to restore...
Songwriter, composer and playwright David Archibald has created a song, 'River Range Light', in support of the Marine Heritage Society's efforts to restore...
In collaboration with the Saugeen Shores Chamber of Commerce, the Town of Saugeen Shores is hosting a Canada Day and Labour Day fireworks...
Saugeen Shores is set to welcome cyclists participating in the 2021 Great Lakes Waterfront Trail Adventure (GWTA) August 10...
Another Show 'n Go Classic Car Tour has been hailed a success despite rain....
The Town of Saugeen Shores is upgrading the playground equipment at three parks, as well as designing the future footprint for a new park at the north end of Port Elgin...
The decision in two longstanding claims by the Saugeen Ojibway Nation (SON) was released Thursday by Justice Wendy Matheson of the Ontario Superior Court...
With the province having moved to the third stage in its reopening plan July 16, further expanding indoor activities, the Town of Saugeen Shores has begun to expand their indoor recreation...
With an aim to take steps to increase the diversity in housing in Saugeen Shores, Council approved, in principle, the hiring of a contract Housing Co-Ordinator...
A new concert series is set to hit communities throughout the Bruce Peninsula this summer. Music on the Bruce, founded by professional violinist and Listowel native...
Saugeen Shores and Saugeen Ojibway Nation (SON) are working together to finalize an agreement settling Saugeen Shore’s involvement in SON’s long-standing legal action...
On Monday, July 12 just before noon, South Bruce OPP, Saugeen Shores Police Service, Saugeen Shores Fire Department and Bruce County Paramedic Services...