Local family benefits from checkout donations
A Port Elgin family has just been granted $13,000 from the President’s Choice Children's Charity...
A Port Elgin family has just been granted $13,000 from the President’s Choice Children's Charity...
The Saugeen Shores Chamber of Commerce and the BRASS Awards committee are pleased to announce the 2017 BRASS Awards...
Bruce Power is informing boaters of the presence of thermal monitoring stations in the vicinity of the Bruce site, which contain ropes that pose a risk...
The Northport Cougar Boys Volleyball team finished the season with a win at the Bluewater Elementary Sports Council (BESC) Championship...
The Bruce County Museum & Cultural Centre is bringing back the wildly popular Adventure Talks series...
The students of G.C. Huston Public School have continued their education of Bimaadzwin or the “Good Path”...
It was a weekend of fun - both on and off the ice - during the International Girls Silver Stick - Caitlyn Cobean Memorial Tournament...
Athletes from Saugeen Shores Lifesaving Club will soon feel the chill of Lake Huron during their annual Polar Bear Dip...
The Winterhawks fired the opening salvo in what promises to be an entertaining and spirited series with the Durham Thundercats...
It's certainly not unusual to see snow being removed from the streets of Saugeen Shores at this time of year, what's not often seen is it being brought back...
The Town of Saugeen Shores is seeking community input through an online survey which will help to guide the municipality’s strategic planning process...