Poutinefest returns to downtown Port Elgin
Poutine connoisseurs can rejoice as Poutinefest is back for another heaping helping of tasty goodness...
Poutine connoisseurs can rejoice as Poutinefest is back for another heaping helping of tasty goodness...
Saugeen District Secondary School Royals achieved great things in the world of sports throughout the school year...
At the 2017 BRASS Awards ceremony held June 10 at Lakeshore Recreation, Ralph Hornsby, founder of Ralph’s Hi-Way Shopette...
Following last year’s successful campaign, Bottles for Boobies is at it again collecting empty alcoholic containers at the Port Elgin Beer Store...
The Town of Saugeen Shores has launched a story map application which allows online users the opportunity to explore commercial and residential properties...
Hub Staff
An information report presented to Saugeen Shores Council June 12 will result in left turning lanes at the Goderich and Gustavus...
SNC-Lavalin has joined Bruce Power's regional economy, securing office space in Port Elgin. The office will be home to about a dozen...
A letter from Saugeen First Nation Chief Lester Anoquot to Mayor Mike Smith was presented to Saugeen Shores Council...
Several considerations came into play in a recent discussion between Town Staff and Saugeen Shores Council with regard to parking along McVicar Street...
Saugeen Shores Council has voted in favour of pursuing a new police station build on municipally owned land at the corner of Concession 10...
Whether or not to encourage bicycles on the Fairy Lake trail was again a topic of discussion at the Saugeen Shores Committee of Whole June 12...