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walking the dog

Photo by Gary Ellis on Unsplash

The extended and strengthened Provincial Stay-at-Home Order, which came into effect April 17, allows for additional enforcement measures and mandates a number of changes to municipal services.

The Stay-at-Home Order has been extended for two more weeks, said an April 17 media release from the Town of Saugeen Shores. Outdoor gatherings are now restricted to members of the same household.

All outdoor recreation amenities are now closed for use, however walk through is permitted. This means playgrounds and fields, tennis, basketball and other courts, BMX track and the skate park are closed for use. Pavilions will also be closed. Residents are permitted to walk through parks and trails with physical distancing in place. Benches are available for use with physical distancing in place.

The Port Elgin and Southampton Tourist Camps and Port Elgin marina remain closed. Marinas may not be used for recreational boating purposes.

The dog park remains open to the public. Physical distancing must be in place.

The waterfront remains open for walk through only. Physical distancing must be in place.

The landfill remains open with limited capacity. Curb side waste collection will continue as scheduled.

"Residents are reminded that the Stay-at-Home Order includes restrictions relating to non-essential travel. All residents should stay home unless an essential outing is required," read the release.

The Stay-at-Home Order currently in effect requires everyone to remain at home except for specified purposes, such as going to the grocery store or pharmacy, accessing health care services (including getting vaccinated), for outdoor exercise, or for work that cannot be done remotely.

All indoor municipal facilities remain closed, including the municipal office and recreation facilities.

Despite the amended order giving police added authority to conduct random checks, Saugeen Shores Police Chief Kevin Zettel said they will not be doing that. "Saugeen Shores Police Service will be conducting evidence based investigations concerning this Stay-at-Home Order," Zettel said, adding they will maintain a complaint driven model of enforcement and compliance, in which officers will "engage, explain, educate, and then enforce."

See: Saugeen Shores Police said they won't be doing random checks, despite the powers to do so