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Saugeen Shores Council heard several updates during the May 25 Committee of Whole and Council meetings, said a May 26 Town media release.

Canada Day and Labour Day Celebrations Update

Due to the current restrictions on large gatherings and requirements for physical distancing, the Canada Day fireworks and corresponding festivities on July 1, 2020 will be postponed.

See: Changes to Canada Day celebrations in Saugeen Shores

The Town and the Saugeen Shores Chamber of Commerce hope to work with local community groups to deliver some opportunities to celebrate the nation on July 1. Discussions are currently in the works. Economic Development Officer, Heather Hyde, stressed that any planned celebrations will abide by provincial regulations in place at the time of the event.

The Chamber and Town have tentatively agreed to partner and combine the Canada Day and Labour Day firework funds into a postponed Canada Day celebration, in its traditional location of Southampton, on September 6, 2020, provided that restrictions on large gatherings have been lifted.

A final decision is expected in the coming weeks.

Update to Sidewalk Patio Policy

As businesses adapt their practices during the pandemic, one of the challenges is maintaining physical distancing requirements. To address some of these challenges, Council has tentatively agreed to amend the Town’s Sidewalk Patio and Sidewalk Café Encroachment Policy and to waive all fees for businesses for the 2020 calendar year related to this policy.

If passed at the next Council meeting, businesses will have the opportunity to increase their restaurant or retail space through these outdoor areas on municipal property to ensure physical distancing.

“Our community’s businesses are finding new ways to work and Council is committed to supporting them with solutions that help keep their staff and customers safe,” said Mayor Luke Charbonneau.

Mayor’s Task Force on Economic Recovery

Council also approved the revised Terms of Reference for the Mayor’s Task Force on Economic Recovery, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Members of the Task Force will include a number of citizens from a broad range of businesses and organizations.

The Town’s Strategic Initiatives staff, along with others, will develop the Economic Recovery Plan, ensuring regular communication with the Task Force and providing updates and recommendations to Council.

Update on Major Projects

In an Information Report to Saugeen Shores Council May 25, CAO David Smith offered a brief summary.

COVID-19 precautions prevented minor final installations to the police station. These installments will conclude when the facility can be opened to contractors.

Efforts to finalize a partnership between the YMCA and Town Staff are resuming and an agreement is expected to be ready for Council to review this summer. No funding announcements have been made by the province.

A consultant will be presenting a final proposal concerning the Lamont Sports Park to the Committee in the coming weeks, after which time staff will finalize the business plan. Both will be presented to Council for approval. The Fundraising Strategy Committee has a meeting scheduled and the province has made no funding announcements.

The Concession 6 Employment Lands project has been paused as the Economic Development Officer is wholly dedicated to assisting local businesses.

Renovations to the former police station, soon to be home to the Nuclear Innovation Institute (NII), are nearing completion.

Proponents are advancing the Cedar Crescent Village project. The former train building and mini putt have been removed to improve safety and beach aesthetics.

A detailed report by Community Services on their projects is expected at the next Council meeting.

LAST UPDATED: May 29, 2020