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ccv interior courtyard

"Interior Courtyard" concept drawing from the Cedar Crescent Village website.

New architectural concept drawings of the proposed Port Elgin waterfront revitalization are now available on the Cedar Crescent Village website, www.thecedarcrescentvillage.com. In a Town of Saugeen Shores update, hard copies are also available at the municipal office, 600 Tomlinson Drive in Port Elgin.

The drawings, along with the draft lease agreement, are set to be presented at a special Committee of Whole meeting at the Plex's Rotary Hall December 16.

The Town update stated that if Committee of Whole recommends the lease for Council’s approval, the public will have at least four weeks to review and provide feedback before the proposal returns to Council, further stating that should the lease be approved, there will still be a number of opportunities for Council to customize elements of the development, keeping the public informed along the way.

As well, other agencies and subject matter experts need to approve the project as it progresses, as they would with any other development.

The public can continue to send written or emailed feedback to Town of Saugeen Shores, 600 Tomlinson Drive, Box 820, Port Elgin, Ontario, N0H 2C0 or clerk@saugeenshores.ca.

All correspondence becomes part of the public record and available for Council and staff to view.