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wrapped in courage

The Women’s House Serving Bruce & Grey (WHSBG) will once again be mobilizing their community to ensure everyone is educated, aware and able to help put an end to men’s violence against women.

In a WHSBG media release, now in its seventh year, Ontario Association of Interval and Transition Houses' (OAITH) Wrapped in Courage campaign invites all Ontarians to show their support by purchasing a purple scarf from their local Women’s shelter because the courage of a woman alone is not enough.

“Whether it’s a friend, loved one, co worker or neighbour, we all know women who’ve suffered from men’s use of violence, harassment or control. Sadly for women and children these men are closely known to them. When we all know someone who has either survived or lost their life to gender-based violence, let that be the wake up call to do your part and be a part of the solution,” Marlene Ham, OAITH Executive Director.

Since 1990, OAITH has tracked close to 800 media reports of women in Ontario murdered by men closely known to them. As they prepare to release their numbers for 2019, they are reminding everyone that violence continues and Women’s House Serving Bruce & Grey plays a vital role for survivors through their programs and services.

When women and their children can’t access a Violence Against Women shelter or program, it can be the difference between staying in a harmful situation or having a chance at freedom. Supporting a local shelter can ensure that women always have a safe place to go when they are being harmed.

Purchase a purple scarf or tie in support of Women’s House Serving Bruce & Grey and wear it this winter. Every scarf and effort counts when it comes to the safety and well-being of Ontario’s women and children.

Scarves and ties will available throughout the month of November at various locations in Saugeen Shores while supplies including Unifor in Port Elgin (all month), Sisters on Huron in Southampton (all month), Rowland's Independent in Port Elgin (November 16 from 11am to 2pm).

Scarves and ties are also available at various locations in Kincardine including Kincardine Massage Therapy (all month), Kincardine LCBO (November 9 from 11am to 2pm), Kincardine Home Hardware (November 14 from 7pm to 9pm) and Kincardine Sobey's (November 16 to 23 from 11am to 2pm).

Visit wrappedincourage.ca to learn more. Join the #wrappedincourage conversation on Twitter at twitter.com/wrappdincourage or on Facebook at facebook.com/wrappedincourage.


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