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award winners

École Port Elgin Saugeen Central School celebrated their Grade 8 graduates June 25. Pictured are the award winners. Photo submitted

Hub Staff

Graduating students from École Port Elgin Saugeen Central School (ÉPESCS) celebrated an end to their elementary school days alongside teachers, friends and family members on June 25. The school gymnasium was decorated to resemble a movie award show, complete with a red carpet that grads enthusiastically strutted down in their processional. An opening slideshow displayed students' baby pictures alongside their graduation pictures which emphasized the immense growth each has achieved thus far.

After the 72 graduates were seated and the starstruck fans settled down, Principal Karen Spragg welcomed everyone to the 2019 graduation ceremony. Spragg assured her Grade 8 students that among the whirlwind of change going on in their lives, one thing that remains the same is the support they have at ÉPESCS.

School Board Trustee Katie Lutz delivered a playful poem that revisited the classic stories of Robert Munsch, drawing out valuable morals taught from their favourite storybook characters such as Angela and Mortimer. The most important lesson, she said, came from the Paper Bag Princess who faced her fears and tackled a seemingly impossible goal. “Remember, anyone can outwit a dragon,” declared Lutz.

A presentation of awards followed where students were recognized for outstanding efforts in their work and community. The Valedictorian Award was given to Peter Alpajaro whose Grade 8 teacher, Mme. Walker, jokingly acknowledged his ability to incorporate a rap into every one of the subjects she taught him.

Alpajaro’s entertaining qualities did not disappoint as he delivered his speech to the audience and spoke of the years they’ve shared at ÉPESCS. "This year has been one of the best," he said.

He gave a sincere thank you to teachers and parents. "We couldn’t have done it without you," he said, and to his classmates he urged, "Remember the good times we’ve had here.”

Awards were distributed as follows:
The T.A. Brown Award of Academic Excellence - Cindy Lu
The Kenzie Foster Scholarship - Grace McGillivary
Michael Humphrey Math Award - Grace Galley
J. G. Walker Science Award - Tara Cristea
Herb Young Memorial Geography - Drew Nelson
Gord’s Pro Shop and Imprints Male and Female Athlete - Brooklyn Quanz, Evan Barry
Music Award - Lauren Gibbons
Extra Curricular Music - Sophie Griffin
Howard Collins - Jack Van Geel
Ontario Principals' Council Award - Tara Cristea
Knights of Columbus - Jacqueline Fenton
Lion’s Club Citizenship - Natalie Pounds
Wildcat Leadership Award - Sophia Weigand
Saugeen Shores Fire Fighter’s Assoc. - Ashley Shields
Canadian Parents for French Award - Tara Cristea
The EPESCS French Award - Cindy Lu
CUPE Service Award - Andie Wilson
Heart and Soul - Marina Gosselink and Janah Stassen
Isobelle Underwood Creativity Through Media - Minkyu Park
Heather Campbell Career of Excellence Award - Lilly Hill
Bruce Power Science and Technology Bursary - Jacqueline Fenton
Rotary Club of Port Elgin: Service Above Self - Mya Craig
The Dianne Primeau Above and Beyond Award - Nick Kraemer and Morgan Ferris
Wildcat Math Award - Caleb Eagen
Language Arts - Brennan Martin
Saugeen Shores Chamber of Commerce History Award - Mya Craig
Inspiring Possibilities Award (Community Living) - Tatum Andrews
Wildcat Award of Merit (medallions) - Olivea Pope, Grace Galley, and Peter Alpajaro

Congratulations to ÉPESCS's 2019 graduating class (*graduating with honours):
Zafirah Ali
Mariam Alibrahim
*Peter Alpajaro
Tatum Andrews
*Evan Barry
Gabriel Bourassa
Hannah Brown
Riley Campbell
*Mya Craig
*Tara Cristea
Josh Cuillerier
Brendan Devitt
*Devin Drury
*Caleb Eagan
Breeze Edwards
Diego Ellis
*Jacqueline Fenton
Morgan Ferris
*Grace Galley
Lauren Gibbons
Marina Gosselink
*Samarra Gottscheu
Coby Graham
Thomas Greenall
Sophie Griffin
Paige Harris
Steven Harrison
Lily Hill
Zachary Hill
*Nick Kraemer
Aiden Lancaster
Kristin Larocque
Tristan Lennan
Zac Longmire
*Cindy Lu
Noah MacFarlane
Belle Major
*Brennan Martin
Talan Martin
Cooper McCulloch
Grace McGillivray
Trenton McKenzie
Jimmy McNeil
Morgen McPherson
Madeline Miranda
*Lucas Moore
Tyler Morrison
*Christina Nicholson
*Drew Nielson
*Aditya Pandya
*Minkyu Park
*Olivea Pope
*Michaela Porter
*Natalie Pound
*Brooklyn Quanz
Owen Ramsay-Sinclair
Jessi Roppel
Josh Shannon
*Ashley Shields
Nolan Shular
Billy Sinclair
Janah Stassen
Hunter Stephenson
Sophia Sutherland
Tyler Tieman
Fox Turcotte
Justine Unsworth
*Jack Van Geel
TJ Verburg
Sophia Weigand
Kaleb Willson
Andie Wilson


Peter Alpajaro, who delivered an entertaining speech to fellow graduates, family members and friends, was given the Valedictorian Award at École Port Elgin Saugeen Central School's 2019 graduation ceremony June 25.


The Gord’s Pro Shop and Imprints Athlete awards were given to Brooklyn Quanz and Evan Barry at the ÉPESCS graduation.


Drew Nelson received the Herb Young Memorial Geography Award at ÉPESCS on June 25.

Howard Collins

The Howard Collins Award recognizes academic excellence as well as a cooperative and contributing individual to the life and spirit of the school. This year the Howard Collins Award went to Jack Van Geel.

extra curricular music

Music teacher Matthew Patterson presented the Extra-Curricular Music Award to Sophie Griffin for her outstanding exemplary participation in music.


The Language Arts Award was presented by Sue Jacobi to Brennan Martin for his exceptional performance in English.

Lions Club

Anthony Hill presented Natalie Pound the Citizenship Award on behalf of the Lion’s Club.