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100 WWC Grey Bruce triad 560

Hub Staff

The group is called 100 Women Who Care Grey Bruce and the goal is to make a meaningful difference to important causes in the area through monetary donations.

Launched in 2013 by two local women who have since moved away, Deb Shelly and Christine Rice, the group was created with a want to provide an opportunity to offer support to worthy causes.

"Several of our [current] members... have been with the group from the beginning," said 100 Women member Marilyn Grahame. "We are simply providing a venue and opportunity for like-minded, caring women who are committed to supporting the community," she said.

Grahame said that 100 Women is not a formal organization in that there is no administrative structure or membership dues. "We are perfect for people who are looking for a quick, uncomplicated way to give to the community and to learn about the many charitable organizations and opportunities within the area," she said.

The Grey Bruce group hasn't reached the goal of 100 women but through a commitment form, members agree to donate $100 at each of four meetings a year. If the group reaches their 100 member target, it would translate to a $10,000 donation at every meeting or $40,000 a year.

Women can also join as a group of up to four. So rather than one member attending and donating $100 four times a year, a group of two, three or four women can join as a unit and share in the commitment.

"The group only considers registered charities and non profits who serve the Grey and Bruce area," explained Grahame. "We also require that our recipients agree that money donated by our members not be used to support administration costs of the organization but rather go directly to support a specific need or program," she added.

Member and Meeting Chair Lynda Legge said the group has given to local charities such as Girl Guides, area food banks, the Ontario Student Nutrition Program, Canadian Mental Health Association Grey Bruce and Keystone Child, Youth and Family Services. Donations are tax deductible and charities are nominated by members and chosen by the group.

Grahame said that 100 Women Who Care Grey Bruce is a chapter of an international 100 Women Who Care collective. "They, like us, really just act as an umbrella for the concept," explained Grahame. "There are also 100 Men, 100 People and 100 Kids groups throughout the world," she said.

Anyone interested in participating can join at any time throughout the year. The first of four meetings in 2019 is scheduled for Saturday, April 13 at 10 a.m. at the Bruce County Museum and Cultural Centre with the second meeting tentatively scheduled for June 1. The group is grateful to the Museum as they have provided a no-cost venue for meetings since the group's inception.

For more information visit 100womengreybruce.ca or find them on Facebook at facebook.com/100WWCGreyBruce. Downloadable commitment and nomination forms are available at 100womengreybruce.ca/forms.

You can also email inquiries to Marilyn Grahame at marilyn.grahame@gmail.com or Lynda Legge at lyndalegge@gmail.com.