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Mascot 560Pumpkinfest's very own Petal could be seen throughout the two-day festival in downtown Port Elgin. 

Hub Staff

A growing season of wet weather may have impacted the growth of pumpkins this year but wet weather had no place during the 31st year of Pumpkinfest on the October 1 weekend in downtown Port Elgin.

Organizers of the shoulder season event said “numbers are up from last year.” The event drew a reported 30,000 visitors in 2016, with 700 show cars lining Goderich Street for the Cinderella Classic Car Show, the busiest day of the two-day event.

The heaviest pumpkin entered into the Giant Pumpkin Commonwealth (GPC) International weigh-off was again grown in Quebec with Jim and Kelsey Bryson producing a 1,760 pounder. Last year’s winner Todd Kline, also from Quebec, took second with his 1,708-pound pumpkin. At last year’s festival Kline’s 1,877 pounder was a site and Canadian record.

The second day of competition saw the tri-county weigh-off competition with Doug Fisher of Goderich placing first with his 1,337-pound pumpkin. Master Grower Marvin Mitchell from Michigan always produces something interesting, and this year was no different. He brought his wild lettuce stalk, measured 15 feet, 2.75 inches, making it the unofficial world record holder. The record holder for wild lettuce stalk is 15 feet.

Mitchell also brought the longest sunflower which reached 297 inches high, (over 20 feet) and the heaviest watermelon at 180 pounds.

One of the organizers of the 2017 event, Saugeen Shores Chamber of Commerce Manager Joanne Robbins, was thrilled with the weather and the event itself, admitting for the first time she was able to leave the weigh-off tent and take in the car show and thanked the volunteers for their work.

The Chantry Singers opened the two-day festival with a rendition of O Canada which was followed by the celebrity seed spitting competition which saw Brockton Deputy Mayor Dan Gieruszak take first with his spit of 29-feet 5-inches.

Pumpkinfest Chair Brad Scott said that vendor booths were full this year and thanked the many sponsors and non-profits who helped support the event.

“But most importantly I want to thank the people that have come out to visit us this weekend, this is why we do it, we do it for the visitors, and we do it for the people who are standing out behind us here,” he said pointing to the many growers. “The growers who have those giant pumpkins in the back of their trucks... I’ve seen some big ones out there this year,” said Scott.

“The growers do it because they love to grow the giant things, they love to see the reactions that the crowds give and they really just do it because they love to grow,” said the Pumpkinfest Chair. Weigh-off results are available on pumpkinfest.org[http://www.pumpkinfest.org/giant-vegetables/results/].

Pumpkin Winners 560Father and Daughter, Jim and Kelsey Bryson from Ormstown, Quebec won the title of heaviest pumpkin, weighing in at 1,760 pounds.

bum dance 560Emcee for the event Dave Middleton welcomed new grower Spencer Klassen into the “growers club” with the traditional “bum-dance,” following his pumpkin weigh-in of 854 pounds.

scott 560Pumpkinfest Chair Brad Scott helped lift the giant pumpkins on day one of Port Elgin Pumpkinfest, September 30.

kline 560Todd Kline (blue shirt) with help from fellow growers lifted Kline’s 184-pound bushel gourd into the weight-off tent.

longest stalk 560Marvin Mitchell of Michigan with his unofficial record breaking 15-feet 2.75-inch wild lettuce stalk.

cop car 560Burlington’s Tim Rayner made his first trip to the Cinderella Classic Car Show, with his 1948 Chevrolet Stylemaster North Carolina Sheriff’s Car.

Chantry 560The Chantry Singers opened Pumpkinfest with O Canada.

Davies 560Brothers Colton (top) and Peyton Davies had a blast in the Sumo Suits at Port Elgin Pumpkinfest.

haybale 560The warm fall weekend drew plenty of families to Port Elgin Pumpkinfest.

Kin 560The Saugeen Shores Kin Club was proud to present the “Portraits of Honour,” a painting featuring men and women who died for the country fighting the war in Afghanistan. A copy of the painting was presented at Pumpkinfest. Pictured from left Janet Crampton, Christine Mensher, Dave Mensher and Order of Canada recipient Dave Sopha.