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yolanda 560Yolanda Cameron of Walkerton was named this year’s Woman of Distinction at the International Women’s Day celebration at Lakeshore Recreation March 4. The event was hosted by the Women’s House Serving Bruce & Grey.

Hub Staff

Two women making strides for change in their communities were honoured at the Women’s House Serving Bruce & Grey’s International Women’s Day celebration at Lakeshore Recreation March 4.

Yolanda Cameron of Walkerton was named Woman of Distinction for her ongoing work in supporting youth with mental health issues through her organization Wes for Youth Online. While the inaugural award for Young Woman of Distinction was handed to Brooklyn Lampi, a Grade 8 student in Kincardine who, since the age of 9, has continued to support locals who need assistance financially, through organizing fundraising events such as the Neon Night Run. Lampi will soon be traveling to India to help with the building of a school, among many other volunteer efforts. She may be over four years away from university but said that she would like to become a surgeon and provide medical help to people in developing countries.

Both women were honoured with standing ovations following their acceptance speeches with Cameron’s story moving many in the room to tears. Five years ago Yolanda and Jamie Cameron, who operate a funeral home in Walkerton, lost their son Wes to suicide at the age of 16. Cameron described Wes as a “bright, cheerful and active lad” and following his death, the Camerons viewed his social media accounts as well as his cell phone and saw messages of pain and mental health anguish from his friends and fellow students. This caused the Camerons to react, finding there were many of his peers in need of help with mental health struggles.

“If these young people are talking to someone who’s not going to answer them back, then how are they going to find help for the things they're talking about,” said Cameron during her speech.

Since starting the online counselling hub, Wes for Youth Online has had 400 youth connect to help and currently has four online councillors who have been certified through the University of Toronto. The humbled recipient said she couldn't accept the award of distinction on her own behalf but could accept it on behalf of Wes for Youth Online and said she can’t stop at just helping “one child”.

“It needs to be every youth everywhere, needs to have that opportunity to feel safe to talk about those things that go on in their lives, Yolanda said, adding, “we wanted somewhere for them to go before they felt that they couldn't continue with their lives.”

Before finishing her address, Cameron said the award was for “young people who felt they couldn't stay with us and also their families who miss them.” Cameron gave words of advice to everyone in the room to be kind to young people and to offer a “helping hand”.

Throughout the evening money for the Women’s House Serving Grey & Bruce was raised through a silent and live auction. To close out the International Women’s Day event two female Yuk Yuk comedians, Karen O’Keefe and Michelle Shaughnessy, brought laughter to the room.

brooklyn mother 560Brooklyn Lampi (left) was the inaugural recipient of the Young Woman of Distinction award at the International Women’s Day celebration at Lakeshore Recreation. During her speech Brooklyn thanked her mother Mariah Lampi.

brooklyn friends 560Grade 8 Kincardine student Brooklyn Lampi (centre) with her friends Sara Anderson (left) and Kristen Jackson (right) who came to support their friend who was honoured with the Young Woman of Distinction award.

triva winner 560After a multitude of questions about feminist trivia Nam Bourassa (right) was named the winner of the annual trivia game after her other challengers gracefully dropped out of the running. Nam was presented with a tablet by Tiffany Love of the Women’s House Serving Grey & Bruce that was donated by Bruce Power.

chq 560Lindsay Riggin (left) donated $5,000 to the Women’s House Serving Grey & Bruce on behalf of the Society of Energy Professionals at the International Women’s Day celebration at Lakeshore Recreation March 4.

yolanda speech 560Woman of Distinction Yolanda Cameron received a standing ovation following her speech where she spread the word about her local youth mental organization, Wes for Youth.

DSCF6484 560Many were in attendance at the Women’s House Serving Bruce & Grey’s annual fundraiser at Lakeshore Recreation.